


WorldEdit / Duplicate shops

blablubbabcDEV opened this issue ยท 4 comments


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Originally posted by BossImmortal (Nov 3, 2015):

First I want to say I have really been enjoying your plugin and appreciate the work you have put into it. Thank you. Now for my hopefully very easy problem. I decided to use worldedit to rotate one of my buildings that had some shopkeepers in it. I ended up with duplicate shopkeepers though. 1 set of shopkeepers work and 1 set does not. I cannot kill or manage the shop keepers that do not work so cannot figure out how to get rid of them. I uninstalled the plugin which removed the working shopkeepers but the non-working shopkeepers are still there (and I ultimately want to reinstall the plugin of course as well). Any suggestions will be very appreciated (especially since all of my shops are down). Thank you and I hope all is well.


Originally commented by blablubbabc (Nov 3, 2015):

I assume world edit copied those entities. You can't copy or move the shopkeeper entities via world edit. So if you rotate a building (and world edit tries to rotate the entities inside as well) you will end up with the rotated, duplicated entities from world edit (which shopkeepers doesn't know about) and the previous shopkeeper entities.

There is also no way currently to move existing shopkeepers, so you will have to remove all involved shopkeepers and recreate them at the location you want them..
Regarding removal of the duplicated entities:

Check out the world edit documentation if there are any (command) options to not copy/rotate entities. Alternatively you could use world edit's butcher command to kill all entities in a certain radius, the shopkeeper entities will get respawned automatically after 10 seconds or so.


Originally commented by BossImmortal (Nov 3, 2015):

Just wanted to say I am pretty new to this and didn't even realize there is a ticket section with a bunch of information. I am digging through now to see if anything helps so I can attempt to not waste your time. I noticed some people with duplicate shops when the server crashes. The server did crash a time or two when I was using world edit so it could potentially be related. I am reading more now and apologize I did not read through these before posting. Any information will still be greatly appreciated of course :-D Thank you.


Originally commented by BossImmortal (Nov 3, 2015):

I just went to a backup and reloaded the world. Then I uninstalled shopkeepers (just in case), redid my world edits and then reinstalled shopkeepers and all is well. I appreciate your wonderful plugin. Thank you.


Originally closed by blablubbabc (Nov 25, 2015)