


Keep a track of transactions in data base

blablubbabcDEV opened this issue ยท 1 comments


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Originally posted by Almathy (Dec 12, 2015):

Hello,Shopkeeper is very used on the Survival Server of Minecraft KingDown. Players love it.Some towns want add a few of RP, made tax, etc...I think it will be great to have the possibility to keep a track of transactions in a data base (price, quantity, date, hour, npc
coordinates...).Do you think it will be possible to add this feature ?Best regards,Almathy.


Originally commented by blablubbabc (Dec 12, 2015):

There is already an option which enables logging to a file.
This is most certainly not a priority for me, because it adds the hassle of handling with a database without much benefit (logging is already available, and is not of high priority for me).

However if you really need this for some reason: Shopkeepers triggers an event whenever a trade is handled. So you could ask some developer to write a small addon which logs those into a database.