Create shop item not working?
blablubbabcDEV opened this issue ยท 2 comments
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Originally posted by Gamrdude234 (Mar 25, 2016):
Hi, I am using v1.70 on a CraftBukkit 1.9-R0.1-SNAPSHOT and I have tried to change the create shop item to anything apart from a "MONSTER_EGG" and it does not scroll through the types of shops, like normal, trading etc?I firstly changed the item data to 0 as i saw from a previous thread, but that didn't work, so I changed the item name to DIAMOND to see if that would work but nope :(Have I done something wrong as all I have done is changed the item name in the create part in the config, reloaded the plugin and it doesn't work?I'm Opped in my server btwAny help is much appreciated :)Gamrdude234
Originally commented by blablubbabc (Mar 25, 2016):
I assume the problem was, that you were in creative mode? The shop creation item is not active in creative mode (because it doesn't make sense for creative-players, who can get all items they want, to create a player shop).