


Spawning Villagers

nilsrob1 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Okay so, I made 2 different types of traders, both are villagers and after a few minutes on my server it randomly spawns other villagers ontop of my traders, and it makes it so I trade with them instead of the actual trader, and yes they are killable. What could cause this?

  • Which version of Spigot are you using?
  • Which version of shopkeepers are you using?
  • Can you attach your config.yml?
  • Can you check your server log for errors?
  • Can your reproduce the issue on a fresh server without other plugins?

Paper-84 1.15.2

Im using version 2.9.1

There are no errors.


# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Shopkeepers Config
# Wiki:
# The wiki also explains how item data gets specified inside the config.
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# Determines the required config migrations. Do not edit manually!
config-version: 2
# The initial debugging state of the plugin.
debug: false
# Additional debugging options.
# - 'log-all-events': Logs all events.
# - 'print-listeners': Prints the registered listeners for the first call of
#    each event.
# - 'shopkeeper-activation': Enables debugging output related to shopkeeper
#    activation.
# - 'commands': Enables additional commands related debugging output.
# - 'owner-name-updates': Logs information when updating stored shop owner
#    names.
debug-options: []
# Whether to report anonymous usage statistics to
# All reported information can be found here:
enable-metrics: true

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Shopkeeper Data
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# The file encoding to use for the save file. If empty, your system's default
# encoding will be used. If you have issues with the save file, such as special
# characters not being saved correctly, try setting this option to 'UTF-8'.
file-encoding: "UTF-8"
# Whether the save file shall get written every time a shopkeeper was edited.
# If disabled, saving will occur at 5 minute intervals and on plugin shutdown.
# If you have a large server with many players and/or many shopkeepers, it
# might be a good idea to disable this for performance reasons.
save-instantly: true

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Plugin Compatibility
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# Whether the plugin shall periodically verify that all shopkeepers that should
# currently be spawned are actually present. This should only be enabled if you
# have problems with shopkeepers disappearing.
enable-spawn-verifier: false
# If enabled, Shopkeepers tries to bypass other plugins which deny mob spawning
# (ex. land protection plugins).
bypass-spawn-blocking: true
# If enabled, Shopkeepers takes into account whether other plugins deny
# interaction with the shopkeepers.
check-shop-interaction-result: false

# If enabled, players will only be able to place shopkeepers where they have
# permission from WorldGuard to build or where the 'allow-shop' flag is set.
enable-world-guard-restrictions: false
# If enabled (additionally to the enable-world-guard-restrictions setting),
# players will only be able to place shopkeepers in regions where the
# 'allow-shop' flag is set, but nowhere else. However, players will still
# require chest access for shop setup to work. And in case they can't place
# chests in the affected region, shop chests need to be pre-setup by someone
# else and the require-chest-recently-placed setting needs to be disabled.
require-world-guard-allow-shop-flag: false
# Whether to register the allow-shop flag with WorldGuard (if no other plugin
# has registered it yet). Usually there should be no need to disable this.
# Changing this setting has no effect until the next server restart or full
# server reload!
register-world-guard-allow-shop-flag: true

# If enabled, players will only be able to place shopkeepers in places that
# have been designated as commercial areas by Towny.
enable-towny-restrictions: false

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Shop Creation (and removal)
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# The item used to create player shops.
shop-creation-item: VILLAGER_SPAWN_EGG

# Whether to prevent normal usage of the shop-creation item. Players with the
# bypass permission (usually admins) can bypass this.
prevent-shop-creation-item-regular-usage: false
# Whether deleting (or destroying) a player shopkeeper returns (drops) the
# shop-creation item.
deleting-player-shop-returns-creation-item: false

# Whether to allow creating player shops with the /shopkeeper command.
create-player-shop-with-command: false

# Whether the selected chest must have been recently placed by the player
# attempting to create the shopkeeper.
require-chest-recently-placed: true
# The maximum distance a player shopkeeper can be placed from its backing
# chest. This cannot be set to a value greater than 50.
max-chest-distance: 15
# The default maximum number of shops a player can have. Set to 0 to allow any
# number of shops.
max-shops-per-player: 0
# A list of permission nodes that can be used to explicitly set the maximum
# number of shops a specific player or group of players can have. Use the
# shopkeeper.maxshops.<count> permission node pattern to use this feature.
max-shops-perm-options: 5,15,25

# Whether to protect player shop chests from being accessed or broken. Usually
# it is recommended to keep this enabled.
protect-chests: true
# Whether to prevent item movement from and to protected shop chests (via
# hoppers, droppers, etc.). Item movement will always be allowed if the chest
# protection is disabled.
prevent-item-movement: true
# Whether to delete player shopkeepers when their backing chest is broken.
delete-shopkeeper-on-break-chest: false

# If enabled (set to a value greater than 0), Shopkeepers will check for and
# remove the shops of inactive players once every plugin start. This setting
# determines how many days ago a player's last login has to be in order for the
# player to be considered inactive.
player-shopkeeper-inactive-days: 0

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Shop (Object) Types
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# A list of mob types which can be used for shopkeepers. Adding new mob types
# to the defaults here is unsupported, as some mob types might not properly
# work and can cause all kinds of issues.

# With the old behavior the mobs can be pushed around and their AI and gravity
# is handled by minecraft itself. With the new behavior all their vanilla AI is
# disabled and their gravity and behavior is handled by the plugin instead.
use-legacy-mob-behavior: false
# Whether shopkeeper mobs shall not be affected by gravity.
disable-gravity: false
# The range in chunks around players in which shopkeeper mobs will be affected
# by gravity. Setting this too high may have a negative impact on performance.
# And setting it below the server's entity tracking range will result in
# players being able to see mobs floating in mid air until they get close
# enough. A value of 0 will limit the gravity to mobs within chunks that
# contain a player. This has no effect if gravity is disabled, or when using
# the legacy mob behavior.
gravity-chunk-range: 4

# Whether mob shopkeepers make sounds.
silence-living-shop-entities: true

# Whether to show nameplates of mob shopkeepers.
show-nameplates: true
# Whether to always show nameplates. If disabled, nameplates will only be shown
# when looking directly at the shopkeeper.
always-show-nameplates: false
# The prefix for nameplates (to help distinguish them from players).
nameplate-prefix: "&a"

# Whether to allow citizen (npc) shops. Requires the plugin Citizens.
enable-citizen-shops: false

# Whether to allow sign shops.
enable-sign-shops: true
# Whether to allow the creation of sign posts (instead of only wall signs).
enable-sign-post-shops: true
# The first line of a sign shop.
sign-shop-first-line: "[SHOP]"

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Naming
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# A regular expression used to validate shopkeeper names. For detailed
# information on the regular expression format see the java documentation:
# Here are a few examples:
# * "[A-Za-z0-9 ]{3,25}": The default. Allows letters and numbers, from 3 to 25
# characters long.
# * "[A-Za-z0-9& ]{3,25}": Same as the default, but allows the ampersand
# character which enables color codes.
# * ".*": Allows everything.
name-regex: "[A-Za-z0-9 ]{3,25}"
# Whether player shops get named via item. This will hide the naming option
# from the editor menu.
naming-of-player-shops-via-item: false
# Whether renaming of player npc (citizen) shopkeepers is allowed. By default
# those shopkeepers will be named after the player who owns the shop.
allow-renaming-of-player-npc-shops: false

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Editor Menu
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# The window title of the shopkeeper editor menu.
editor-title: "Shopkeeper Editor"

# The items used for the buttons and icons in the trades page row.
# The display name and lore of these items get set via the corresponding
# messages and can therefore not be defined here.
previous-page-item: WRITABLE_BOOK
next-page-item: WRITABLE_BOOK
current-page-item: WRITABLE_BOOK
trade-setup-item: PAPER

# The item used for the set-name button, and the naming item (if enabled).
name-item: NAME_TAG

# Whether the editor menu of player shops contains an options to open the
# shop's chest.
enable-chest-option-on-player-shop: true
# The item used for the open-chest button.
chest-item: CHEST

# The item used for the delete button.
delete-item: BONE

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Non-shopkeeper villagers
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# Whether to prevent trading with non-shopkeeper villagers.
disable-other-villagers: false
# Whether to block regular non-shopkeeper villagers from spawning. Villagers
# spawned by plugins, spawn eggs, mob spawners or by curing zombie villagers
# are however not affected by this.
block-villager-spawns: false
# Whether to prevent curing of zombie villagers.
disable-zombie-villager-curing: false
# Whether non-shopkeeper villagers can be hired.
hire-other-villagers: false

# Whether to prevent trading with non-shopkeeper wandering traders.
disable-wandering-traders: false
# Whether to block non-shopkeeper wandering traders and trader llamas from
# spawning. Wandering traders and trader llamas spawned by plugins, spawn eggs
# or mob spawners are however not affected by this.
block-wandering-trader-spawns: false
# Whether non-shopkeeper wandering traders can be hired.
hire-wandering-traders: false

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Hiring
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# The item to use for the hire button in player shopkeepers that are for sale,
# and for the hire-cost when hiring non-shopkeeper villagers.
hire-item: EMERALD
# The amount of hire-cost items it costs to hire a non-shopkeeper villager.
hire-other-villagers-costs: 1
# The title of the hiring inventory window when hiring a player shopkeeper.
for-hire-title: "For Hire"
# Whether hiring a player shopkeeper also requires the permission to create
# player shopkeepers of that type.
hire-require-creation-permission: true

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Trading
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# Whether to prevent players from trading with their own shopkeepers. Keeping
# this enabled is recommended.
prevent-trading-with-own-shop: true
# With this enabled player shopkeepers don't trade while their owner is online.
# This might be useful for role-playing servers, which wish to force players to
# trade with each other directly while being online.
prevent-trading-while-owner-is-online: false
# Minecraft allows trading of not fully matching items in some situations
# (ex. items with additional data are accepted in trades). With this enabled
# Shopkeepers will always check that the traded items are fully matching and it
# will prevent the trade once the player tries to pickup the item from the
# trading result slot.
use-strict-item-comparison: false
# Whether all shopkeeper purchases shall be logged to csv files in the plugin
# folder. Note: This might currently not properly work for admin shops, so
# don't rely on the correctness of the logged purchases for those!
enable-purchase-logging: false
# Whether to increment minecraft's talked-to-villager and traded-with-villager
# statistics whenever a player opens the trading menu and trades with a
# shopkeeper.
increment-villager-statistics: false

# The percentage that should be removed from player shop earnings.
tax-rate: 0
# Whether to round up instead of down when calculating the tax of a player shop
# transaction.
tax-round-up: false

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Currencies
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

# The item for the currency used in player shops.
currency-item: EMERALD

# The item for the placeholder when a player has not set the cost for an item.
zero-currency-item: BARRIER

# The item for a second, higher-value currency used in the second trading slot
# of player shops. Set to 'AIR' to disable the second currency.
high-currency-item: EMERALD_BLOCK

# The item for the placeholder when a player has not set the second currency
# cost for an item.
zero-high-currency-item: BARRIER

# The value of the second currency, based on the first currency.
high-currency-value: 9
# The second currency will only be used if an item's cost is greater than this
# value.
high-currency-min-cost: 20

# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
# Messages
# *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

language: en

msg-shop-type-admin-regular: "Admin shop"
msg-shop-type-selling: "Selling shop"
msg-shop-type-buying: "Buying shop"
msg-shop-type-trading: "Trading shop"
msg-shop-type-book: "Book shop"

msg-shop-type-desc-admin-regular: "has unlimited stock"
msg-shop-type-desc-selling: "sells items to players"
msg-shop-type-desc-buying: "buys items from players"
msg-shop-type-desc-trading: "trades items with players"
msg-shop-type-desc-book: "sells book copies"

msg-shop-object-type-living: "{type}"
msg-shop-object-type-sign: "sign"
msg-shop-object-type-npc: "npc"

msg-selected-shop-type: "&aSelected shop type: &6{type} &7({description})"
msg-selected-shop-object-type: "&aSelected object type: &6{type}"

msg-creation-item-selected: |-
  &aShop creation:
  &e  Left/Right-click to select the shop type.
  &e  Sneak + left/right-click to select the object type.
  &e  Right-click a chest to select it.
  &e  Then right-click a block to place the shopkeeper.

msg-button-previous-page: "&6<- Previous page ({prev_page} of {max_page})"
msg-button-previous-page-lore: []
msg-button-next-page: "&6Next page ({next_page} of {max_page}) ->"
msg-button-next-page-lore: []
msg-button-current-page: "&6Page {page} of {max_page}"
msg-button-current-page-lore: []

msg-button-name: "&aSet shop name"
- Lets you rename
- your shopkeeper
msg-button-chest: "&aView chest inventory"
- Lets you view the inventory
- your shopkeeper is using
msg-button-delete: "&4Delete"
- Closes and removes
- this shopkeeper
msg-button-hire: "&aHire"
- Buy this shopkeeper

msg-button-sign-variant: "&aChoose sign variant"
- "Changes the sign's"
- "wood type"
msg-button-baby: "&aToggle baby variant"
- "Toggles between the mob's"
- "baby and adult variant"
msg-button-sitting: "&aToggle sitting pose"
- "Toggles the mob's"
- "sitting pose"
msg-button-cat-variant: "&aChoose cat variant"
- "Changes the cat's look"
msg-button-collar-color: "&aChoose collar color"
- "Changes the mob's"
- "collar color"
msg-button-wolf-angry: "&aToggle angry wolf"
- "Toggles the wolf's"
- "angry state"
msg-button-carrying-chest: "&aToggle carrying chest"
- "Toggles whether the mob"
- "is carrying a chest"
msg-button-horse-color: "&aChoose horse color"
- "Changes the color"
- "of the horse"
msg-button-horse-style: "&aChoose horse style"
- "Changes the coat pattern"
- "of the horse"
msg-button-horse-armor: "&aChoose horse armor"
- "Changes the armor"
- "of the horse"
msg-button-llama-variant: "&aChoose llama variant"
- "Changes the llama's look"
msg-button-llama-carpet-color: "&aLlama carpet color"
- "Changes the llama's"
- "carpet color"
msg-button-creeper-charged: "&aToggle charged creeper"
- "Toggles the creeper's"
- "charged state"
msg-button-fox-variant: "&aChoose fox variant"
- "Changes the fox's look"
msg-button-fox-crouching: "&aToggle crouching pose"
- "Toggles the fox's"
- "crouching pose"
msg-button-fox-sleeping: "&aToggle sleeping pose"
- "Toggles the fox's"
- "sleeping pose"
msg-button-mooshroom-variant: "&aChoose mooshroom variant"
- "Changes the look"
- "of the mooshroom"
msg-button-panda-variant: "&aChoose panda variant"
- "Changes the panda's look"
msg-button-parrot-variant: "&aChoose parrot variant"
- "Changes the parrot's look"
msg-button-pig-saddle: "&aToggle pig saddle"
- "Toggles the pig's saddle"
msg-button-sheep-color: "&aChoose sheep color"
- "Changes the sheep's"
- "wool color"
msg-button-sheep-sheared: "&aToggle sheared sheep"
- "Toggles the sheep's"
- "sheared state"
msg-button-villager-profession: "&aChoose villager profession"
- "Changes the profession"
- "of the villager"
msg-button-villager-variant: "&aChoose villager variant"
- "Changes the look"
- "of the villager"
msg-button-villager-level: "&aChoose villager level"
- "Changes the level"
- "of the villager"
msg-button-zombie-villager-profession: "&aChoose villager profession"
- "Changes the profession"
- "of the zombie villager"

msg-trading-title-prefix: "&2"
msg-trading-title-default: "Shopkeeper"

msg-selected-chest: "&aChest selected! Right-click a block to place your shopkeeper."
msg-must-select-chest: "&7You must right-click a chest before placing your shopkeeper."
msg-no-chest-selected: "&7The selected block is not a chest!"
msg-chest-too-far: "&7The shopkeeper's chest is too far away!"
msg-chest-not-placed: "&7You must select a chest you have recently placed!"
msg-chest-already-in-use: "&7Another shopkeeper is already using the selected chest!"
msg-no-chest-access: "&7You cannot access the selected chest!"
msg-too-many-shops: "&7You have too many shops!"
msg-no-admin-shop-type-selected: "&7You have to select an admin shop type!"
msg-no-player-shop-type-selected: "&7You have to select a player shop type!"
msg-shop-create-fail: "&7You cannot create a shopkeeper there."

msg-type-new-name: "&aPlease type the shop's name into the chat.\n  &aType a dash (-) to remove the name."
msg-name-set: "&aThe shop's name has been set!"
msg-name-has-not-changed: "&aThe shop's name has not changed."
msg-name-invalid: "&aThat name is not valid!"

msg-shop-type-disabled: "&7The shop type '&6{type}&7' is disabled."
msg-shop-object-type-disabled: "&7The shop object type '&6{type}&7' is disabled."

msg-must-target-shop: "&7You have to target a shopkeeper."
msg-must-target-admin-shop: "&7You have to target an admin shopkeeper."
msg-must-target-player-shop: "&7You have to target a player shopkeeper."
msg-target-entity-is-no-shop: "&7The targeted entity is no shopkeeper."
msg-target-shop-is-no-admin-shop: "&7The targeted shopkeeper is no admin shopkeeper."
msg-target-shop-is-no-player-shop: "&7The targeted shopkeeper is no player shopkeeper."
msg-unused-chest: "&7No shopkeeper is using this chest."
msg-not-owner: "&7You are not the owner of this shopkeeper."
msg-owner-set: "&aNew owner was set to &e{owner}"
msg-shop-creation-items-given: "&aPlayer &e{player}&a has received &e{amount}&a shop creation item(s)!"
msg-unknown-book-author: "Unknown"

msg-trade-perm-set: "&aThe shop's trading permission has been set to '&e{perm}&a'!"
msg-trade-perm-removed: "&aThe shop's trading permission '&e{perm}&a' has been removed!"
msg-trade-perm-view: "&aThe shop's current trading permission is '&e{perm}&a'."

msg-zombie-villager-curing-disabled: "&7Curing of zombie villagers is disabled."
msg-must-hold-hire-item: "&7You have to hold the required hire item in your hand."
msg-set-for-hire: "&aThe Shopkeeper was set for hire."
msg-hired: "&aYou have hired this shopkeeper!"
msg-missing-hire-perm: "&7You do not have the permission to hire shopkeepers."
msg-cant-hire: "&7You cannot afford to hire this shopkeeper."
msg-cant-hire-shop-type: "&7You do not have the permission to hire this type of shopkeeper."
msg-villager-for-hire: "&aThe villager offered his services as a shopkeeper in exchange for &6{costs}x {hire-item}&a."

msg-missing-trade-perm: "&7You do not have the permission to trade with this shop."
msg-missing-custom-trade-perm: "&7You do not have the permission to trade with this shop."
msg-cant-trade-while-owner-online: "&7You cannot trade while the owner of this shop ('&e{owner}&7') is online."

msg-shopkeeper-created: "&aShopkeeper created: &6{type} &7({description})\n{setupDesc}"

msg-shop-setup-desc-selling: |-
  &e  Add items you want to sell to your chest, then
  &e  right-click the shop while sneaking to modify costs.
msg-shop-setup-desc-buying: |-
  &e  Add one of each item you want to buy to your chest, then
  &e  right-click the shop while sneaking to modify costs.
msg-shop-setup-desc-trading: |-
  &e  Add items you want to sell to your chest, then
  &e  right-click the shop while sneaking to modify costs.
msg-shop-setup-desc-book: |-
  &e  Add written books and blank books to your chest, then
  &e  right-click the shop while sneaking to modify costs.
msg-shop-setup-desc-admin-regular: |-
  &e  Right-click the shop while sneaking to modify trades.

msg-trade-setup-desc-header: '&6{shopType}'
- Has unlimited stock.
- Insert items from your inventory.
- Left/Right click to adjust amounts.
- 'Top row: Result items'
- 'Bottom rows: Cost items'
- Sells items to players.
- Insert items to sell into the chest.
- Left/Right click to adjust amounts.
- 'Top row: Items being sold'
- 'Bottom rows: Cost items'
- Buys items from players.
- Insert one of each item you want to
- buy and plenty of currency items
- into the chest.
- Left/Right click to adjust amounts.
- 'Top row: Cost items'
- 'Bottom row: Items being bought'
- Trades items with players.
- Pickup an item from your inventory
- and then click a slot to place it.
- Left/Right click to adjust amounts.
- 'Top row: Result items'
- 'Bottom rows: Cost items'
- Sells book copies.
- Insert written and blank books
- into the chest.
- Left/Right click to adjust costs.
- 'Top row: Books being sold'
- 'Bottom rows: Cost items'

msg-list-admin-shops-header: "&9There are &e{shopsCount} &9admin shops: &e(Page {page} of {maxPage})"
msg-list-player-shops-header: "&9Player '&e{player}&9' has &e{shopsCount} &9shops: &e(Page {page} of {maxPage})"
msg-list-shops-entry: "  &e{shopId}) &7{shopName}&r&8at &7({location})&8, type: &7{shopType}&8, object: &7{objectType}"

msg-removed-admin-shops: "&e{shopsCount} &aadmin shops were removed."
msg-removed-player-shops: "&e{shopsCount} &ashops of player '&e{player}&a' were removed."
msg-removed-all-player-shops: "&aAll &e{shopsCount} &aplayer shops were removed."

msg-confirm-remove-admin-shops: "&cYou are about to irrevocable remove all admin shops (&6{shopsCount}&c)!"
msg-confirm-remove-own-shops: "&cYou are about to irrevocable remove all your shops (&6{shopsCount}&c)!"
msg-confirm-remove-player-shops: "&cYou are about to irrevocable remove all shops of player &6{player}&c (&6{shopsCount}&c)!"
msg-confirm-remove-all-player-shops: "&cYou are about to irrevocable remove all player shops of all players (&6{shopsCount}&c)!"

msg-confirmation-required: "&7Please confirm this action by typing &6/shopkeepers confirm"
msg-confirmation-expired: "&cConfirmation expired."
msg-nothing-to-confirm: "&cThere is nothing to confirm currently."

msg-no-permission: "&cYou don't have the permission to do that."

msg-command-unknown: "&cUnknown command '&e{command}&c'!"
msg-command-argument-unexpected: "&cUnexpected argument '&e{argument}&c'."
msg-command-argument-requires-player: "&cArgument '&e{argumentFormat}&c' requires a player to execute the command."
msg-command-argument-missing: "&cMissing argument '&e{argumentFormat}&c'."
msg-command-argument-invalid: "&cInvalid argument '&e{argument}&c'."
msg-command-player-argument-missing: "&cNo player specified for '&e{argumentFormat}&c'."
msg-command-player-argument-invalid: "&cNo player found for '&e{argument}&c'."
msg-command-shop-type-argument-invalid: "&cUnknown shop type '&e{argument}&c'."
msg-command-shop-object-type-argument-invalid: "&cUnknown shop object type '&e{argument}&c'."
msg-command-shopkeeper-argument-invalid: "&cNo shopkeeper found for '&e{argument}&c'."
msg-command-shopkeeper-argument-no-admin-shop: "&cShopkeeper '&e{argument}&c' is no admin shopkeeper."
msg-command-shopkeeper-argument-no-player-shop: "&cShopkeeper '&e{argument}&c' is no player shopkeeper."

msg-ambiguous-player-name: "&cThere are multiple matches for the name '&e{name}&c'!"
msg-ambiguous-player-name-entry: "&c  - '&e{name}&r&c' (&6{uuid}&c)"
msg-ambiguous-player-name-more: "&c  - ...."

msg-command-help-title: "&9***** &8[&6Shopkeepers v{version}&8] &9*****"
msg-command-help-usage-format: "&e{usage}"
msg-command-help-description-format: "&8 - &3{description}"

msg-command-description-shopkeeper: "Creates a shopkeeper."
msg-command-description-help: "Shows this help page."
msg-command-description-reload: "Reloads this plugin."
msg-command-description-debug: "Toggles debug mode on and off."
msg-command-description-list: "Lists all shops for the specified player, or all admin shops."
msg-command-description-remove: "Removes all shops for the specified player, all players, or all admin shops."
msg-command-description-give: "Gives shop creation item(s) to the specified player."
msg-command-description-remote: "Remotely opens a shop."
msg-command-description-remote-edit: "Remotely edits a shop."
msg-command-description-transfer: "Transfers the ownership of a shop."
msg-command-description-settradeperm: "Sets, removes (-) or displays (?) the trading permission."
msg-command-description-setforhire: "Sets one of your shops for sale."


Can you try to reproduce your issue on a regular Spigot server? This would help tracking down whether it's a Paper-specific issue or not.

Also: Can you turn on debug mode and check the server log if it prints anything useful when it respawns the shopkeeper mobs?


I have had my server running spigot for 30 minutes now and it seems to be working just fine, looks like its related to Paper, now I got a problem with my scoreboards, they wont work on spigot geez


This might be fixed in Paper-86. Let me know if this is the case.
For reference: PaperMC/Paper#2919


Seems like there is a discrepancy between Spigot and Paper in that in Spigot the chunks report to still be loaded during ChunkUnloadEvents, while in Paper they report to already be unloaded. Shopkeepers performs a is-chunk-loaded check at some point during chunk unloads. Maybe I could change the logic inside Shopkeepers to have a special case for handling during chunk unload events (however, I would first need to figure out my past rationale behind why Shopkeepers is working the way it currently is.. there might have been a reason for this behavior or a bug that got fixed by it). However, since this is a discrepancy to Spigot it should probably be something for Paper to look into.
The issue seems to be with commit PaperMC/Paper@01b965e
So Paper-83 is not affected.