


Support LuckPerms

Eufranio opened this issue ยท 2 comments


The permissions are true in LuckPerms, but they're not recognized by SimpleClans, so we aren't able to do stuff.


I've just switched to LuckPerms from PEX, very disappointed to see that the /clan home and /clan home set commands are suggesting users don't have permissions even though they do :( - all other commands as far as I can tell are working.

More interesting is that the mod home commands (/clan home set and /clan home tp are working) funnily if you do /clan home tp without a tag it'll still tell you that you have insufficient perms.

Okay turns out that LuckPerms didn't migrate PEX permissions properly and for some reason had the aforementioned permission nodes set to false instead of true; I've made the required changes and this is not an issue.


Could you close it?