


1.16.1 titles

JasonHorkles opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug

The plugin loads properly but skript doesn't recognize send player title even though it used to on 1.15.2

Steps to Reproduce

Use 1.16.1 and have a script with send player title in it

Expected Behavior

It should send the player the title

Your Script

on portal enter:
	wait 0.75 seconds
	player is in world "main_the_end":
		send message "&ePlease wait while the chunks load..."
		send player title "&e&lPlease wait..." with subtitle "&6Loading chunks..." for 3 seconds with 1 second fade in and 1 second fade out
		apply resistance 255 to the player for 30 seconds
		loop integers from 10 to 1:
			teleport player to location 0.5, 70, 0.5 in world "main_the_end"
			wait 0.5 seconds
		send message "&aYou may now move again."

Screenshots / Errors


Server Information

  • Server Version and Type: git-Paper-27 (MC: 1.16.1)
  • Skript Version: 2.4.1
  • skRayFall Version: 1.9.20
  • Additional Plugins: skUtilities, SkQuery

Additional Information


Works in version 1.19.21