


Armor Stands

yusufkandemir opened this issue ยท 4 comments

on armor stand interact:
    *my code goes here*
on right click on armor stand:
     *my code goes here*
on left click on armor stand:
     *my code goes here*

None of them work I want to chest menu opens when armor stand right clicked or attacked and if possible like this:

on armor stand interact named "something":
    *do something*
on armor stand interact:
    if name of the event-entity(or block idk) is "something":
        *do something*
 on armor stand interact:
    if name of armor stand is "something":
        *do something*

I looked up for it I found some events changed at 1.8 but I don't know java much. I can only develop little programs with java. If there is a skript addon can do this please tell me. Or maybe I am writing syntax wrong. Please help me. Good luck with developing.

And an extra thing is there a way to change tab list like sidebar ?


Right now I have an undocumented event in skRayFall for armor stands. Umbaska had some armor stand support which is why I never documented mine or continued work on it, as I try to avoid duplicated features with other addons. It's also worth noting they had contacted me and ask for me to stop work on the feature since they told me they already implemented it. The event was left in for backwards compatibility just in case anyone is using it.

However I am unable to find the documentation on skUnity for Umbaska's armor stands. You might wish to contact the authors of Umbaska and ask them for the syntax for their armor stand support on the skUnity forums. But in the mean time here is that one syntax element:

[on] armo[u]r stand damage

This event will be triggered by left clicks to a armor stand.
event-entity will return the armor stand interacted with where event-player will return the attacker.

Also to change the players name in a tab list the effect is:

set %player% tab name to %string%

Sorry about the limited armor stand support and I hope contacting the Umbaska devs will help.


Thanks! I asked to Umbaska's author , I am waiting answer. I know "on armor stand damage" and there is some other things do that but i need right clicking so much and I asked "is there a way to change tab list like sidebar ?" not "How to change player's tab name ?" I already know it. I want something like this i want to edit the tab list and put some of my variables there. I want bigger menu and list players which kindom they joined and which class they have(Everything is in my skripts not other plugins). I can use other plugins but they don't support skript. I can't export my variables. So if there is a way to edit like this exists or u can code it. I will be happy. Thank you and good luck!


A better custom tab list has been something I have been meaning to work on.

However, for the mean time I have seen servers use the tab headers and footers as a replacement for this since they support new lines and you can nicely format them.

The syntax for this is:

set tab header to %string% and footer to %string% for %player%

Since it has been over a month since the last replay and there has been several large updates I will be closing this ticket.

Happy Skripting!