


wind staff no longer functions

mrcoffee1026 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Description (Required)

Just a stick now with nothing particularly special about it other than its glimmer.

Steps to reproduce the Issue (Required)

right click as usual... but nothing happens anymore.

Expected behavior (Required)

To be propelled forward as normal (or at least have my hunger bars eaten away while sitting)

Server Log / Error Report

No errors in regards to this... just not doing it's normal thing.

Environment (Required)

[21:51:20 INFO]: Paper v1_14_R1 (182)
[21:51:20 INFO]:
[21:51:20 INFO]: CS-CoreLib vDEV - 67 (git 1bd1883b)
[21:51:20 INFO]: Slimefun vDEV - 228 (git a498779)
[21:51:20 INFO]:
[21:51:20 INFO]: Installed Addons (8)
[21:51:20 INFO]: Barrels vDEV - 7 (git 0d14dd9f)
[21:51:20 INFO]: ExtraGear vDEV - 3 (git de222ab7)
[21:51:20 INFO]: ChestTerminal vDEV - 13 (git 59336f44)
[21:51:20 INFO]: HotbarPets vDEV - 16 (git 19414e50)
[21:51:20 INFO]: ExoticGarden vDEV - 18 (git 0ad817dd)
[21:51:20 INFO]: SoulJars vDEV - 3 (git ebabf39f)
[21:51:20 INFO]: ElectricSpawners vDEV - 4 (git 2565651b)
[21:51:20 INFO]: ColoredEnderChests vDEV - 6 (git 6e80c4ba)


im on slimefun vdev - 229 and it works there


That is the build i'm trying in and it's not doing anything. fire staff and new storm staff works as advertised. wind staff: nothing. wasn't working in build 228 either.


nevermind the item updated i guess i have to replace all the windstaffs on the server with new ones. thanks.