All of Slimefun's machinery stopped working for no reason, suddenly.
Opened this issue ยท 1 comments
(Sorry my bad english, i'm italian)
In short, all of a sudden I realized that machinaries no longer worked, none of them, but the strange thing is that there are no errors and all other slimefun stuff are working normally!
for example, backpacks work perfectly.
With /pl everything appears in green.
Plugins (33): EZColors, dynmap, LuckPerms, WorldEdit, LoginSecurity, PlaceholderAPI, MySkin, WorldGuard, WolfyUtilities, KixsChatAnnouncer, SurvivalPlus, EasyWhitelist, MOTD, CS-CoreLib, Vault, Statz, SimpleScore, Essentials, CustomCrafting, KillerMoney, ActionHealth, Shopkeepers, Slimefun, BetterSleeping, HotbarPets, SlimefunLuckyBlocks, EssentialsChat, ExoticGarden, Barrels, SoulJars, EssentialsSpawn, ExtraGear, PrivateStorage
I don't have videos and a screenshot can't help, but every time I use the machines it's like they're disabled, I tried to restart, but nothing.
Server Log / Error Report
No log error! this is so strange!!
I have NEVER done /reload or /spigot reload but I always restart from the multicraft panel.
- Minecraft Version: 1.14.4
- Server: Spigot
- Slimefun Version: DEV 236
- CS-CoreLib Version: DEV 69
How can I fix it quickly? reinstalling slimefun?
This was already fixed in #1090