Breaking barrels causes infinite production of dropped items
mrcoffee1026 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Description (Required)
Breaking barrel causes the "status item" that floats above the barrel to be dropped - infinitely - forever - in the location the barrel was originally. Cannot destroy with lava, but can with minecraft:kill command.
Steps to reproduce the Issue (Required)
Place barrel, break barrel and observe.
Expected behavior (Required)
If barrel has an inventory, that inventory should explode onto the ground and drop itself. If barrel does not have inventory, that barrel should just break and should only drop itself.
Server Log / Error Report
No log activity.
Environment (Required)
[14:15:09 INFO]: Paper v1_14_R1 (209)
[14:15:09 INFO]:
[14:15:09 INFO]: CS-CoreLib vDEV - 77 (git 6e171836)
[14:15:09 INFO]: Slimefun vDEV - 295 (git 1d509cf)
[14:15:09 INFO]:
[14:15:09 INFO]: Installed Addons (12)
[14:15:09 INFO]: Barrels vDEV - 7 (git 0d14dd9f)
[14:15:09 INFO]: SlimeXpansion vDEV - 4 (git 5bf10c29)
[14:15:09 INFO]: ExtraGear vDEV - 3 (git de222ab7)
[14:15:09 INFO]: ChestTerminal vDEV - 17 (git 933a7d36)
[14:15:09 INFO]: EmeraldEnchants vDEV - 5 (git 6adbbb87)
[14:15:09 INFO]: HotbarPets vDEV - 20 (git cd87bc60)
[14:15:09 INFO]: ExoticGarden vDEV - 22 (git a855f5b7)
[14:15:09 INFO]: SoulJars vDEV - 4 (git 4a600aa2)
[14:15:09 INFO]: SlimefunOreChunks vDEV - 2 (git 24d90a3e)
[14:15:09 INFO]: ElectricSpawners vDEV - 5 (git c3f8cc9d)
[14:15:09 INFO]: ExtraHeads v1.1
[14:15:09 INFO]: ColoredEnderChests vDEV - 7 (git 6885cb88)