


All researches unlocked from start

NoFace851 opened this issue · 2 comments


Description (Required)

All items are unlocked even with researches activated but when you do /sf stats it says 0/234. Also, there are no "players" file in the root folder

Server Log

No errors

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Environment (Required)

....�=>.... [15:28:55 INFO]: Paper v1_14_R1
.... [15:28:55 INFO]:
.... [15:28:55 INFO]: CS-CoreLib vDEV - 78 (git 199e1b1e)
.... [15:28:55 INFO]: Slimefun vRC - 3 (git 8a60540)
.... [15:28:55 INFO]:
.... [15:28:55 INFO]: Installed Addons (0)


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  • Your issue has already been fixed in a later version of Slimefun or CS-CoreLib, you should update.
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what did i do wrong? i saw that a person had the same problem and the cause was multiverse, i can't just get rid of multiverse