Vanilla recipe of compass in guide displaying recipes from other plugins
mrcoffee1026 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Description (Required)
Click recipe for "Pickaxe of the Seeker" in tools and then either of the compass items in this recipe... should be displaying the vanilla recipe to craft a compass but I have seen it display the recipe for a "Tardis Locator" from the TARDIS plugin or a "Vampire Tracker" or "Werewolf Tracker" from the Werewolves plugin. The crafted item in the other two plugins is a renamed compass item.
Steps to reproduce the Issue (Required)
Expected behavior (Required)
Should be displaying vanilla recipe for compass instead of any of the other 3.
Server Log / Error Report
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[19:00:48 INFO]: Paper v1_14_R1
[19:00:48 INFO]:
[19:00:48 INFO]: CS-CoreLib vDEV - 79 (git ec5b4c24)
[19:00:48 INFO]: Slimefun vDEV - 369 (git 33adb7e)
[19:00:48 INFO]:
[19:00:48 INFO]: Installed Addons (11)
[19:00:48 INFO]: Barrels vDEV - 7 (git 0d14dd9f)
[19:00:48 INFO]: SlimeXpansion vDEV - 4 (git 5bf10c29)
[19:00:48 INFO]: ExtraGear vDEV - 3 (git de222ab7)
[19:00:48 INFO]: ChestTerminal vDEV - 19 (git ebf13b83)
[19:00:48 INFO]: HotbarPets vDEV - 20 (git cd87bc60)
[19:00:48 INFO]: ExoticGarden vDEV - 22 (git a855f5b7)
[19:00:48 INFO]: SlimefunOreChunks vDEV - 3 (git 7ddf966e)
[19:00:48 INFO]: ElectricSpawners vDEV - 5 (git c3f8cc9d)
[19:00:48 INFO]: ExtraHeads v1.1
[19:00:48 INFO]: PrivateStorage vDEV - 6 (git b012877e)
[19:00:48 INFO]: DyedBackpacks vDEV - 1 (git 4b4d1f0f)