


Spell Utils Useful Functions

jayhf opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Spell Utils is designed to have useful static functions for spells to use. this means that they shouldn't be dependent on the spell and shouldn't be useful functions that should be extended by spells. That being said, what are some ideas for functions? Also, I know that I broke a bunch of spells with the addition of SpellUtils, just add this line at the top of the source code:
import static aor.spells.SpellUtils.*
Function List:
public static Entity getTarget(Player player) - gets the entity the player is currently looking at


I'm working on get target right now. I'll hopefully be done later today. Are there any other functions you'd like?


Since there aren't any more ideas for right now, I'm going to close this issue. If you have any more ideas of things to add to spell utils, feel free to reopen this issue with your ideas.