


Different Duplication issue

kennyfromcs opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Before we installed plugin all players had access to worldguard /stack illegitimate items. Once we decided to switch to your plugin the following happened.

  1. in config, tools cannot be stacked and are set to default
  2. someone has stacked shovel in his inv (from previous plugin use). breaks a grass block, shovels unstack and create ghost items, which can me multiplied to infinity by right clicking ghost item outside your inventory box.
  3. Loved the plugin so far , but had to disable it for now :(

Thx in advance


Please try the latest test version, which can be downloaded here:

The version should now say v0.7.5.t4

Edit: I have a note that I will look into InventoryTweaks problems in the README. Because it is a mod though, and not a plugin, there may not be much that I can do about it. There are other things that are higher priority, but I will look into it in the future.


Hello Haveric, Sorry for late reply but it still does not work for us for some reason , and items still duplicate..
also anyway to fix stacked items behavior in chest to be able to be re-arranged or all dropped 1 shot in a chest, with plugins like invtweak?

also i did download the test jar and my version still says 0.7.5



Thx a lot for fast response that worked for duplication.

Any E.T.A on stack behaviors when right clicking or using plugins like InvTweaks?


Right click behavior should be working. Anything that is not working, please let me know specifically what is wrong and how it should be working. I probably won't have a chance to look into InvTweaks for at least a month. I've got Senior Design and several projects to finish up before then. I will also be pushing the test version of StackableItems out within a week or so and may take a break from it until after graduation except for major bug fixes that arise.

Unless you are talking about a different InvTweaks (a link would be great), it is not a plugin; it is a client side mod and therefore will be tougher to work with. Actually, any plugin or mod that affects inventory has a chance to break with mine, due to the fact that there is no way for other plugins/mods to know the stack amounts that I am setting. The best solution may end up being an api built to allow others to get those values, and I'll see if I can work with InvTweaks' developers to get that to happen when I get a chance.


First, the fishing rods are meant to split up. The same thing happens with all tools/weapons. That is the easiest way to save each item's durability. Otherwise, the game thinks they both have the same durability and you'll lose them all when one dies. If you want them to stay as a single stack, you would have to enable Virtual Items in the config. WARNING: It is not complete and could screw up your inventory. (InvTweaks will definitely break it). I ran into some problems with it when developing earlier and decided to move on and come back to it as other problems came up that were more important at the time.

You weren't kidding when you said crappy video. I mostly understand what you are talking about, but if there's any way you could get a better video, that would be great.

I'll look into the WorldGuard /stack as well as I've never actually tried that command.


Hi Haveric,

so yes I'm talking about client side mod :

made a little Vid to show u exactly behaviors (sry fro crappy quality) when moving Stacked items to chest with Invtweak and also i'm unable to sort my inventory and in chest.

  1. i realised today Fishing rods do not seem to stack properly (de stack when using them)

P.S I know nothing about coding,so don't know if that would work but i was thinking the /stack from worldguard works perfectly, the only issue is we cannot specify which items can or cannot be illegitimately stacked. So wouldn't it be easier to just see if a plugin can just add options?


Here's another Vid with better quality



Thanks for the report, that was hilarious to test and I'm looking into why that is happening.


Fixed in versions/test jar. Version should say v0.7.5.t3 when running it.