


A "/sstack" command for StackableItems

stvncao5 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


This would basically stack all items in one's inventory up to the specified amount in the configuration.

You could also do "/sstack " to stack another player's inventory. That could be useful for unknown reasons.

Two main reasons why one would want to do this:

  • For lazy people who don't want to stack everything in their inventory by hand.
  • To sort out the "/give" command, which gives in stacks of 64, and you may not want players to be running around with 64 of an item in one stack.

CommandBook's "/stack" command stacks items to the normal 64, so other plugins don't seem to be a solution for "force-stacking." That is why I'm suggesting the feature here.

On a side note, a small third reason (which is specific to me) is that FirstJoinPlus lets you give items to new players, but it also does so in stacks of up to 64. Having FirstJoinPlus automatically execute the "/sstack" command would make newbies' inventories much less messy.