[bug] /structurebox reload dousnt reload name changes
TomLewis opened this issue · 3 comments
I have changed Structure Box Display Name and Structure Box Prefix and Structure Box Instruction Message, and do a /structurebox reload in-game but these are not reloaded and breaks creating new structureboxs.
Example, pretend this is the default config.
Debug: false #Debug mode
Structure Box Item: chest #The item the structure box is. Must be a placable block
Structure Box Display Name: '§8[§aBuild Crate§8]' #Display names for structure boxes
Max Structure Size: 10000 #Maximum allowed size of structures
Max Session Time: 300 #Time in seconds
Place cooldown time: 10 #Time before players can place another structure box
Alternative Display Names: #Other accepted display names. Useful if converting from similar plugins
- SiB
Structure Box Prefix: '§6Build Crate: ' #Prefix for schematic ID
Alternative Prefixes: #Other accepted prefixes. Useful if converting from similar plugins
- 'SiB: '
Structure Box Instruction Message:
- '§ePlace this crate to paste schematic'
- '§eYou need free space & trust'
- '§7Use /sb undo to try again'
Require permission per structure box: false #If enabled, players must have structureboxes.place.<schematic-ID> permission to place the structure
#Determines if the structure box must be placed inside of a region of supported anti-griefing plugins
Restrict to regions:
Enabled: false
- Merchantman
- MM
Free space: #Settings for free space check
Require free space: true
Blocks to ignore:
- long_grass
- double_plant
- stationary_water
- water
- lava
- stationary_lava
Then I change the text and do /sb reload
and create a new box.
Debug: false #Debug mode
Structure Box Item: chest #The item the structure box is. Must be a placable block
Structure Box Display Name: '§3newcrate' #Display names for structure boxes
Max Structure Size: 10000 #Maximum allowed size of structures
Max Session Time: 300 #Time in seconds
Place cooldown time: 10 #Time before players can place another structure box
Alternative Display Names: #Other accepted display names. Useful if converting from similar plugins
- SiB
Structure Box Prefix: '§5NEWTEXT: ' #Prefix for schematic ID
Alternative Prefixes: #Other accepted prefixes. Useful if converting from similar plugins
- 'SiB: '
Structure Box Instruction Message:
- '§5Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
- '§5consectetur adipiscing elit.'
- '§5Integer lobortis eros vel neque sodales dapibus. '
Require permission per structure box: false #If enabled, players must have structureboxes.place.<schematic-ID> permission to place the structure
#Determines if the structure box must be placed inside of a region of supported anti-griefing plugins
Restrict to regions:
Enabled: false
- Merchantman
- MM
Free space: #Settings for free space check
Require free space: true
Blocks to ignore:
- long_grass
- double_plant
- stationary_water
- water
- lava
- stationary_lava