Structure Boxes

Structure Boxes


[bug] /structurebox reload dousnt reload name changes

TomLewis opened this issue · 3 comments


I have changed Structure Box Display Name and Structure Box Prefix and Structure Box Instruction Message, and do a /structurebox reload in-game but these are not reloaded and breaks creating new structureboxs.


does this affect structure boxes created before making changes to the config?


Example, pretend this is the default config.

Debug: false #Debug mode
Structure Box Item: chest #The item the structure box is. Must be a placable block
Structure Box Display Name: '§8[§aBuild Crate§8]' #Display names for structure boxes
Max Structure Size: 10000 #Maximum allowed size of structures
Max Session Time: 300 #Time in seconds
Place cooldown time: 10 #Time before players can place another structure box
Alternative Display Names: #Other accepted display names. Useful if converting from similar plugins
  - SiB
Structure Box Prefix: '§6Build Crate: ' #Prefix for schematic ID
Alternative Prefixes: #Other accepted prefixes. Useful if converting from similar plugins
  - 'SiB: '
Structure Box Instruction Message:
  - '§ePlace this crate to paste schematic'
  - '§eYou need free space & trust'
  - '§7Use /sb undo to try again'
Require permission per structure box: false #If enabled, players must have<schematic-ID> permission to place the structure
#Determines if the structure box must be placed inside of a region of supported anti-griefing plugins
Restrict to regions:
  Enabled: false
    - Merchantman
    - MM
Free space: #Settings for free space check
  Require free space: true
  Blocks to ignore:
    - long_grass
    - double_plant
    - stationary_water
    - water
    - lava
    - stationary_lava

2020-02-08_17 38 48

Then I change the text and do /sb reload and create a new box.

Debug: false #Debug mode
Structure Box Item: chest #The item the structure box is. Must be a placable block
Structure Box Display Name: '§3newcrate' #Display names for structure boxes
Max Structure Size: 10000 #Maximum allowed size of structures
Max Session Time: 300 #Time in seconds
Place cooldown time: 10 #Time before players can place another structure box
Alternative Display Names: #Other accepted display names. Useful if converting from similar plugins
  - SiB
Structure Box Prefix: '§5NEWTEXT: ' #Prefix for schematic ID
Alternative Prefixes: #Other accepted prefixes. Useful if converting from similar plugins
  - 'SiB: '
Structure Box Instruction Message:
  - '§5Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
  - '§5consectetur adipiscing elit.'
  - '§5Integer lobortis eros vel neque sodales dapibus. '
Require permission per structure box: false #If enabled, players must have<schematic-ID> permission to place the structure
#Determines if the structure box must be placed inside of a region of supported anti-griefing plugins
Restrict to regions:
  Enabled: false
    - Merchantman
    - MM
Free space: #Settings for free space check
  Require free space: true
  Blocks to ignore:
    - long_grass
    - double_plant
    - stationary_water
    - water
    - lava
    - stationary_lava

2020-02-08_17 42 22


I reloaded for a third time and it just does it again

2020-02-08_17 43 40