


Support for Bukkit 1.13

Programie opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I just tested this plugin with Bukkit 1.13 (Spigot). It partially works with the new Bukkit version. :-)

I was able to take an item from an existing chest with an existing supply sign attached to it and the chest was refilled by the plugin. But I was not able to place a new supply sign attached to a chest or dispenser.

Error thrown when placing a new supply sign:
org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R1.block.CraftBlockState cannot be cast to org.bukkit.block.Sign.

The error only seems to be visible in the player chat, not in the server console or log.

The error doesn't appear when placing a supply sign attached to a dropper, but it also does not have any effect except for styling the [Supply] line of the sign in blue color.


easy to tell why it isnt working, decperated api methods, im providing a fix. #Hacktoberfest #OpenSource


Uhm however, your the winner. mc item ids are marked as Deprecated since 1.9


@Programie if you are interested into this you should pay someone for rewriting it. I wont do that.


@Programie good luck, the problem is simply that he used item ids and they ain't supported anymore in 1.13


I'm not sure whether @redsgreens will try to fix it. Otherwise, maybe I'm trying to rewrite it once I get into Minecraft again.