Terrain Control

Terrain Control


Failure To Load [Re-Opened]

sfxworks opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What am I missing.

MCPC+ 965
TerrainControl for 1.6.4

bukkit.yml & spigot.yml
generator: TerrainControl

Nice little 1k by 1k map.png
FillEmpty 500 -500
Hex values set [Matched with BiomeConfigs]

Default Generation.............................

ICEisland-01.png http://i57.tinypic.com/2nqbedi.png [Hex fine]
World.log http://pastebin.com/3vTqDaT5 [TerrainControl starts up]
WorldConfig http://pastebin.com/43pdVXRU [Set to load ICEisland-01.png]

Result: http://i58.tinypic.com/qs1noh.png

ICEisland-01.png in same directory in WorldConfig && TerrainControl plugin directory

The thing is, I've been able to successfully use every other feature (increasing biome size ect) but when I tell it to get FromImage, it doesn't want to do anything...

I've even had times where I would load it using MCPC and all the mods I have, and it would only use the fill biome value instead of the image to generate the world..


FromImage works fine, this has been proved many many times in the past. Make use BiomeMode is set to FromImage, that the image is in the proper location, that you are on a place in the world where the image actually generates terrain, etc.

This is a bug tracker (that also accepts feature request) for the newest version of Terrain Control. This is not a support forum, nor is it a bug tracker for ancient versions of Terrain Control. If you need help, please create a topic in our forums.