Problem with Map By Image
Noumpas13 opened this issue ยท 20 comments
Please rutgerkok help me, because Women... Yes man, women, i will never understand them.
Hello there, i am trying to create a map by image but i face some problems. I cannot/dont know how to create that map. I have read all the tutorials, many threads in the forums but nothing helped, so i am making a new thread.
here are my exact steps:
I created a new world using multiverse and terraincontrol as its generator named world3
I set the configuration of the WorldConfig like this:
ImageMode: FillEmpty
ImageFile: test.png
ImageOrientation: North
ImageFillBiome: Ocean
ImageXOffset: -300
ImageZOffset: -300
- i created an example 600x600 image (png file) with windows paint using non-anti aliasing methods (pencil,fill with color,...etc) with the right color codes (which i found in the BiomeConfig of each Biome) (using a converter ) and i manually edited my custom colors.
the picture was a square blue (Ocean) with a yellow circle inside it (beach) and a green inside the yellow one (plains). I am not sending a pic its just a test you can all imagine, a simple island representation (the colors were right). And i saved it as test.png
i closed my server
i uploaded the image file in Plugins/TerrainControl/Worlds/world3/test.png
i deleted world3's region file
i started the server
8 ) i logged in (spawned in main world)
typed /tc map and i waited to generate till 100% done
i teleported to the world3 and there is not that map...
I mean it didnt work. it was just a circle of land and it was supposed to fill all the rest of the world with ocean.... At least it was supposed to generate massive ocean. I teleported on Land and there were all the kind of biomes.
did i miss something?
ok, do you mean like this:
its a really massive output. 1,6k lines
help info:
Starting server at line 1
Stabilizing at line 774, and trying to tc map at 775. it ends at last line
The log is so long because it's printing all the [DEBUG] lines - you can disable this if you want in the spigot.yml.
Anyways, it contains the information I was searching for:
[03:34:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [TerrainControl] [INFO] BiomeMode is not FromImage, ignoring map file
Double-check that BiomieMode is set to FromImage, otherwise the "Settings for BiomeMode:FromImage" won't do anything. You can also simply use the WorldConfig I posted, it works for me, so it should work for you.
sorry about the huge log, yes it was the missing BiomeMode option. Thank you for your help this time it worked perfectly. One question though: why are there these sand spots where mesa is and the oposite? it looks like spread that there isnt in the neighbor chunks:
Should i install the previous TerrainControl version? or should i keep the snapshot i installed for the test?
Reproduced, but no idea what's causing it. Will look into it later. Maybe a chunk rotation bug?
You're free to run any version you want, no need to run this debug version anymore.
Not yet, it is an interesting issue. I also don't have that much time to work on it.
Working on the new Deep Ocean Biome for 1.8 ha? if you make a snapshot version for 1.8 send me a link i will test it
Deep Ocean biome? @Timethor is working on adding biome groups, which includes that biome. I'm doing my best to fix bugs in Terrain Control, but I don't have unlimited time to work on TC.
Anyways, the bug with the strange terrain surface block generation is now fixed. @Timethor is working to move the build server to another server, but you can download the build here for now.
Have you typed /tc map world3
from the console? If you type it as a player, the map is centered around you instead of the origin of the world. (And you may also end up with the map of the wrong world, if you are currently in another world.)
when i did that i was spawned at world1 so there was no problem with chunks generated before i type the command. anyway i tried this from console after i deleted the region folder of world3 again. didnt work.
i tried to test it an a different new world but again no results (the world generates some first chunks even if you dont teleport to the world for the first time does this matter?)
i dont know what to do and what is wrong
the only thing i didnt do is the resizing /4 part. but like that it should work as 1pixel = 4x4 blocks right?
i gave it more tries, no result, the worlds looked like a default terrain control. Only 1 it was massive mesa, and it spawned me at 0,0 . but my map it this:
For me your map works fine. Here's my WorldConfig.ini: (try replacing your WorldConfig.ini with this one)
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | The modes | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# What Terrain Control does with the config files.
# Possible modes:
# WriteAll - default
# WriteWithoutComments - write config files without help comments
# WriteDisable - doesn't write to the config files, it only reads. Doesn't auto-update the configs. Use with care!
SettingsMode: WriteAll
# Possible terrain modes:
# Normal - use all features
# OldGenerator - generate land like Beta 1.7.3 generator
# TerrainTest - generate only terrain without any resources
# NotGenerate - generate empty chunks
# Default - use default terrain generator
TerrainMode: Normal
# Possible biome modes:
# Normal - use all features
# FromImage - get biomes from image file
# OldGenerator - generate biome like the Beta 1.7.3 generator
# Default - use default Notch biome generator
BiomeMode: FromImage
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Custom biomes | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# You need to register your custom biomes here. This setting will make Terrain Control
# generate setting files for them. However, it won't place them in the world automatically.
# See the settings for your BiomeMode below on how to add them to the world.
# Syntax: CustomBiomes:BiomeName:id[,AnotherBiomeName:id[,...]]
# Example: CustomBiomes:TestBiome1:30,BiomeTest2:31
# This will add two biomes and generate the BiomeConfigs for them.
# All changes here need a server restart.
# Due to the way Mojang's loading code works, all biome ids need to be unique
# on the server. If you don't do this, the client will display the biomes just fine,
# but the server can think it is another biome with the same id. This will cause saplings,
# snowfall and mobs to work as in the other biome.
# The available ids range from 0 to 1023 and the ids 0-39 and 129-167 are taken by vanilla.
# The ids 256-1023 cannot be saved to the map files, so use ReplaceToBiomeName in that biome.
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Settings for BiomeMode:Normal | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Also applies if you are using BiomeMode:FromImage and ImageMode:ContinueNormal.
# Important value for generation. Bigger values appear to zoom out. All 'Sizes' must be smaller than this.
# Large %/total area biomes (Continents) must be set small, (limit=0)
# Small %/total area biomes (Oasis,Mountain Peaks) must be larger (limit=GenerationDepth)
# This could also represent "Total number of biome sizes"
# Small values (about 1-2) and Large values (about 20) may affect generator performance.
GenerationDepth: 10
# Max biome rarity from 1 to infinity. By default this is 100, but you can raise it for
# fine-grained control, or to create biomes with a chance of occurring smaller than 1/100.
BiomeRarityScale: 100
# Biome lists #
# Don't forget to register your custom biomes first in CustomBiomes!
# Biomes generated normal way. Names are case sensitive.
NormalBiomes: Desert, Forest, Extreme Hills, Swampland, Plains, Taiga, Jungle
# Biomes generated in "ice areas". Names are case sensitive.
IceBiomes: Ice Plains
# Biomes used as isles in other biomes. You must set IsleInBiome in biome config for each biome here. Biome name is case sensitive.
IsleBiomes: MushroomIsland, Ice Mountains, DesertHills, ForestHills, TaigaHills, River, JungleHills
# Biomes used as borders of other biomes. You must set BiomeIsBorder in biome config for each biome here. Biome name is case sensitive.
BorderBiomes: MushroomIslandShore, Beach, Extreme Hills Edge
# Landmass settings (for NormalBiomes) #
# Land rarity from 100 to 1. If you set smaller than 90 and LandSize near 0 beware Big oceans.
LandRarity: 97
# Land size from 0 to GenerationDepth.
LandSize: 0
# Make land more fuzzy and make lakes. Must be from 0 to GenerationDepth - LandSize
LandFuzzy: 6
# Ice area settings (for IceBiomes) #
# Rarity of the "ice areas" from 100 to 1. 100 = ice world, 1 = no IceBiomes
IceRarity: 90
# Ice area size from 0 to GenerationDepth.
IceSize: 3
# Set this to false to stop the ocean from freezing near when an "ice area" intersects with an ocean.
FrozenOcean: true
# Rivers #
# River rarity. Must be from 0 to GenerationDepth.
RiverRarity: 4
# River size from 0 to GenerationDepth - RiverRarity
RiverSize: 0
# Set this to false to prevent the river generator from doing anything.
RiversEnabled: true
# When this is set to false, the standard river generator of Minecraft will be used.
# This means that a technical biome, determined by the RiverBiome setting of the biome
# the river is flowing through, will be used to generate the river.
# When enabled, the rivers won't use a technical biome in your world anymore, instead
# you can control them using the river settings in the BiomeConfigs.
ImprovedRivers: false
# When set to true the rivers will no longer follow biome border most of the time.
RandomRivers: false
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Settings for BiomeMode:FromImage | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Possible modes when generator outside image boundaries: Repeat, ContinueNormal, FillEmpty
# Repeat - repeat image
# Mirror - advanced repeat image mode
# ContinueNormal - continue normal generation
# FillEmpty - fill by biome in "ImageFillBiome settings"
ImageMode: FillEmpty
# Source png file for FromImage biome mode.
ImageFile: test.png
# Where the png's north is oriented? Possible values: North, East, South, West
# North - the top of your picture if north (no any rotation)
# West - previous behavior (you should rotate png CCW manually)
# East - png should be rotated CW manually
# South - rotate png 180 degrees before generating world
ImageOrientation: North
# Biome name for fill outside image boundaries with FillEmpty mode.
ImageFillBiome: Ocean
# Shifts map position from x=0 and z=0 coordinates.
ImageXOffset: -300
ImageZOffset: -300
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Terrain height and volatility | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Scales the height of the world. Adding 1 to this doubles the
# height of the terrain, substracting 1 to this halves the height
# of the terrain. Values must be between 5 and 8, inclusive.
WorldHeightScaleBits: 7
# Height cap of the base terrain. Setting this to 7 makes no terrain
# generate above y = 2 ^ 7 = 128. Doesn't affect resources (trees, objects, etc.).
# Values must be between 5 and 8, inclusive. Values may not be lower
# than WorldHeightScaleBits.
WorldHeightCapBits: 8
# Can increase (values greater than 0) or decrease (values less than 0) how much the landscape is fractured horizontally.
FractureHorizontal: 0.0
# Can increase (values greater than 0) or decrease (values less than 0) how much the landscape is fractured vertically.
# Positive values will lead to large cliffs/overhangs, floating islands, and/or a cavern world depending on other settings.
FractureVertical: 0.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Blocks | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Attempts to replace all surface stone with biome surface block
RemoveSurfaceStone: false
# Disable bottom of map bedrock generation
DisableBedrock: false
# Enable ceiling of map bedrock generation
CeilingBedrock: false
# Make bottom layer of bedrock flat
FlatBedrock: false
# Block used as bedrock. No block data allowed.
BedrockobBlock: BEDROCK
# Set this to false to disable the bounds check during chunk population.
# While this allows you to spawn larger objects, it also makes terrain generation
# dependant on the direction you explored the world in.
PopulationBoundsCheck: true
# Water and ice #
# Set water level. Every empty block under this level will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock
WaterLevelMax: 63
WaterLevelMin: 0
# Block used as water in WaterLevel. No block data allowed.
# BlockId used as ice. No block data allowed.
IceBlock: ICE
# Seed used for the resource generation. Can only be numeric. Set to 0 to use the world seed.
ResourcesSeed: 0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Structures | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Generate-structures in the file is ignored by Terrain Control. Use these settings instead.
# Strongholds #
# Set this to false to prevent the stronghold generator from doing anything.
StrongholdsEnabled: true
# The number of strongholds in the world.
StrongholdCount: 3
# How far strongholds are from the spawn and other strongholds (minimum is 1.0, default is 32.0).
StrongholdDistance: 32.0
# How concentrated strongholds are around the spawn (minimum is 1, default is 3). Lower number, lower concentration.
StrongholdSpread: 3
# Villages #
# Whether the villages are enabled or not.
VillagesEnabled: true
# The size of the village. Larger is bigger. Normal worlds have 0 as default, superflat worlds 1.
VillageSize: 0
# The minimum distance between the village centers in chunks. Minimum value is 9.
VillageDistance: 32
# Rare buildings #
# Rare buildings are either desert pyramids, jungle temples or swamp huts.
# Whether rare buildings are enabled.
RareBuildingsEnabled: true
# The minimum distance between rare buildings in chunks.
MinimumDistanceBetweenRareBuildings: 9
# The maximum distance between rare buildings in chunks.
MaximumDistanceBetweenRareBuildings: 32
# Other structures #
MineshaftsEnabled: true
NetherFortressesEnabled: false
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Visual settings | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# Warning this section will work only for players with the single version of Terrain Control installed.
# World fog color
WorldFog: #C0D8FF
# World night fog color
WorldNightFog: #0B0D17
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Cave settings | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This controls the odds that a given chunk will host a single cave and/or the start of a cave system.
CaveRarity: 7
# The number of times the cave generation algorithm will attempt to create single caves and cave
# systems in the given chunk. This value is larger because the likelihood for the cave generation
# algorithm to bailout is fairly high and it is used in a randomizer that trends towards lower
# random numbers. With an input of 40 (default) the randomizer will result in an average random
# result of 5 to 6. This can be turned off by setting evenCaveDistribution (below) to true.
CaveFrequency: 40
# Sets the minimum and maximum altitudes at which caves will be generated. These values are
# used in a randomizer that trends towards lower numbers so that caves become more frequent
# the closer you get to the bottom of the map. Setting even cave distribution (above) to true
# will turn off this randomizer and use a flat random number generator that will create an even
# density of caves at all altitudes.
CaveMinAltitude: 8
CaveMaxAltitude: 128
# The odds that the cave generation algorithm will generate a single cavern without an accompanying
# cave system. Note that whenever the algorithm generates an individual cave it will also attempt to
# generate a pocket of cave systems in the vicinity (no guarantee of connection or that the cave system
# will actually be created).
IndividualCaveRarity: 25
# The number of times the algorithm will attempt to start a cave system in a given chunk per cycle of
# the cave generation algorithm (see cave frequency setting above). Note that setting this value too
# high with an accompanying high cave frequency value can cause extremely long world generation time.
CaveSystemFrequency: 1
# This can be set to create an additional chance that a cave system pocket (a higher than normal
# density of cave systems) being started in a given chunk. Normally, a cave pocket will only be
# attempted if an individual cave is generated, but this will allow more cave pockets to be generated
# in addition to the individual cave trigger.
CaveSystemPocketChance: 0
# The minimum and maximum size that a cave system pocket can be. This modifies/overrides the
# cave system frequency setting (above) when triggered.
CaveSystemPocketMinSize: 0
CaveSystemPocketMaxSize: 4
# Setting this to true will turn off the randomizer for cave frequency (above). Do note that
# if you turn this on you will probably want to adjust the cave frequency down to avoid long
# load times at world creation.
EvenCaveDistrubution: false
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Canyon settings | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
CanyonRarity: 2
CanyonMinAltitude: 20
CanyonMaxAltitude: 68
CanyonMinLength: 84
CanyonMaxLength: 112
CanyonDepth: 3.0
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Settings for BiomeMode:OldGenerator | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This generator works only with old terrain generator!
OldBiomeSize: 1.5
MinMoisture: 0.0
MaxMoisture: 0.0
MinTemperature: 0.0
MaxTemperature: 0.0
No... same results. Its not the config, i tried the same configuration too. Thats not the problem. It generates too fast like:
and then i teleport to the world and its a default world.
tell me how you do it. i described you my steps. the only thing i didnt do is resizing. And how can i find the result image? like the one you 've send?
If everything i did its fine, then the version i have its bugged
so... what does this supposed to mean?
You 've spotted the issue? Should i do something with this link? Should i download another version of terrain control? what?
I wanted to post this earlier, but the build server didn't build the code until a few hours after I had updated the code.
This file should tell what's going on: is BiomeMode: FromImage loaded, and if yes, can it find the file? If you could run that file, we finally know where's the problem.
Could you run that file and post the server log afterwards?
You have to understand that i am no developer. I am a regular server owner, all i know is how plugins work, how to intall them and learn how to work with the plugins, not java. First of all, what file? It sais build server etc where is the file to download it? secondly what to do with that file (run it) you mean put the jar in the plugins like if it was another version of terrain control? and i suppose you want me to tell you the results. Be more specific
ok so i dont know if i did right, but i downloaded this: terraincontrol-bukkit-2.7.0-SNAPSHOT from the site you sent me
deleted the previous terrain control jar and folder , replaced it with this, i tried to make the image i presented u and this is the result:
no luck
Hmm, I should have posted a better link. Glad you found it anyway.
I made this build so that there would be some interesting console output: it logs whether BiomeMode:FromImage is activated and if yes, where it searched for the image and whether it has found it. Could you please post the console startup output?