

Update for new block types in 1.2.1

Peter200lx opened this issue ยท 1 comments


New Jungle biome. (New log type, leaf type)

Added 3 new blocks (NewSandstoneGrid1.png NewSandstoneGrid2.png Grid Circle Stone Brick.png), that aren't yet used in survival, but only the (Circle Stone Brick is accessible in creative).

Slabs and Stairs can be placed upside-down by placing them below a block.


Icon Value Description
0 Oak wood
1 Pine/Spruce wood
2 Birch wood
3 Jungle wood


If bit 0x4 is set, the leaves are permanent and will never decay. This bit is set on player-placed leaf blocks and overrides the meaning of bit 0x8.

If bit 0x8 is set, the leaves will be checked for decay. The bit will be cleared after the check if the leaves do not decay. The bit will be set again whenever a block adjacent to the leaves is changed.

Icon Value Description
0 Oak leaves
1 Pine/Spruce leaves
2 Birch leaves
3 Jungle leaves


Icon Value Description
0 Oak Sapling
1 Spruce Sapling
2 Birch Sapling
3 Jungle Tree Sapling


For normal sandstone the bottom has a cracked pattern. The other types of sandstone have bottom faces same as the tops.
Icon Value Description
0x0 Normal
0x1 Hieroglyphic/Creeper
0x2 Smooth

Stone Brick
Icon Value Description
0x0 Normal
0x1 Mossy
0x2 Cracked
0x3 Circle

Slabs and Double Slabs

For both slabs and double slabs, the lower three bits of the metadata nybble determine the texture:
Icon Value Description
0x0 Stone Slab
0x1 Sandstone Slab
0x2 Wooden Slab
0x3 Cobblestone Slab
0x4 Brick Slab
0x5 Stone Brick Slab

Half-slabs can be either "right-side-up" or "upside-down"; this information is stored in the most significant metadata bit 0x8 as follows:

0: Slab is right-side-up, occupying the bottom half of its voxel.
1: Slab is upside-down, occupying the top half of its voxel. 

Thus a right-side-up wooden slab has metadata value 0x2 (binary 0010), while an upside-down wooden slab is represented by metadata 0xA (binary 1010). Double slabs do not make use of the high-order bit of the metadata value.

Upside-down slabs were implemented in Weekly Release 12w08a and introduced officially in Minecraft 1.2. Brick slabs and stone brick slabs were added in Beta 1.8.


0x0: Ascending east
0x1: Ascending west
0x2: Ascending south
0x3: Ascending north 

Starting in Minecraft 1.2 (actually weekly 12w08a), the bit at 0x4 is used as follows:

0: Stairs are regular
1: Stairs are upside down 

The total data needed to accurately describe a single door tile is now contained in both door tiles, so both data values have to be inspected.

Common to both door tiles, the top bit (0x8) is as follows:

0: The bottom half of the door
1: The top half of the door 

Top Sections

The least-significant bit (0x1) is as follows, assuming you're facing the same direction the door faces while closed:

    0: Hinge is on the right (this is the default for single doors)
    1: Hinge is on the left (this will be used for the other half of a double-door combo) 

The other two bits (0x2 and 0x4) are always zero. 
The only valid values for a top section, therefore, are 8 (binary 1000) and 9 (binary 1001). 

Bottom Sections

The second bit (0x4) determines the door's state:

    0: Closed
    1: Open 

The bottom two bits determine which direction the door faces (these directions given for which direction the door faces while closed)

    0: Facing west
    1: Facing north
    2: Facing east
    3: Facing south