


Does not working on Java 16 and below

Sayakie opened this issue ยท 0 comments


TriggerReactor does not working on Java 16 and below versions. Targeting latest is nothing to nervous about, on the other hand, however, legacy is not.

For more information, we changed build stratgies recently which are integrated with GitHub Actions. And there is no java_version jvm argument so GHA compiles based on Java 17 by default.

Workaround about this issue, the following codes have to append java_version jvm argument:

run: ./gradlew build javadoc -x test -P version=${{ github.ref_name }} --stacktrace

The difference:

- run: ./gradlew build javadoc -x test -P version=${{ github.ref_name }} --stacktrace
+ run: ./gradlew build javadoc -x test -P version=${{ github.ref_name }} -P java_version=8 --stacktrace