/vanishon /vanishoff options in addition to the /vanish toggle
nope-a-roni opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Hey Mbax.
I'm the sysadmin of TrinityCraft.net. First, thank you so much for migrating away from Spout and to the new vanish api in Bukkit. It's done wonders for our server stability :D
If you have the time, we would appreciate the implementation of hard /vanish on/off commands in addition to the toggle. We'd like to alias several commands together -- that is, /vanish on | /dynmap hide -- so our Admins can quickly hide themselves both in the server and our dynamic map. Since we auto-hide certain x-ray-specific admins when they log in, however, toggling that alias would actually reveal the player ingame but hide them on the dynmap.
Would it be too difficult to expand the /vanish command into /vanish on and /vanish off? We'd be greatly appreciative.
Theres the command '/vanish check' ('/v check'), why can't you just use that? Also, I do realize this is a month old, but just in case.
Implemented this tonight on my desktop but the wired connection died, so no update yet.
/vanish on
causes you to vanish if not already vanished
/vanish on fake
causes a vanish if not already and does a "quit" message
Same for off.
Sadleric, isn't there a config option to automatically hide from dynmap when you vanish?
Also, giving the player the vanish.silentjoin permission will make them join the server invisible, so you can then just execute "/dynmap hide".
We have opped staff members auto join with vanish.silentjoin already. As far as the configuration option, there actually are a few applications for being visible invisible / visible ingame/inmap.
The purpose of a /vanish on or /vanish off is simply to have the capacity to explicitly turn on and explicitly turn off the addon. As staff members often are ingame for a several hours at a time. Often, the tired staffperson will forget s/he is invisible and other players are unable to see that there's an admin ingame to ask questions (similarly, the presence of an admin tends to turn the grief way down). Everyone is careless from time to time, and only having the option to toggle with /vanish as opposed to hard on/off with an explicit command would be a great quality of life improvement for all plugin users.
It would be so nice to be able to quickly just hit a button (custom command hotkey plugins are very popular among our and other servers) and be assured of the vanish state rather than having to guess the current state for a moment and accidentally appear in the wrong situation.
Thanks for considering the feature, and I look forward to continued feedback.