Arrows 'bounce' off of vanished players
bacon-avenger opened this issue ยท 11 comments
I'm not sure anything can be done about this, but it's a potential issue.
If the player that fired the arrow is close enough, it will bounce off the vanished player and hit the one who fired the arrow.
To test this, I stood next to a two block high wall and had another player fire an arrow at me. A third player was watching from the side and saw the arrow hit the wall as if nothing was there, then saw the arrow dissappear and reappear in the ground in the correct position for a bounce.
This is still an issue. Arrows, Enderpearls, and potentially other items interact with vanished players. Any chance of taking a look at the issue again now?
If it helps any, I can make a video.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention, this is with VNP 3.8.1 and bukkit build 2167.
Well shoot, that's too bad (no pun intended). Thank you for looking into it, hopefully the ability is added in a later bukkit build.
I hope so too, though I'd like to keep the ticket open so I can track it and harass people about it :D
Is this not possible to do by setting arrow bounce boolean to false when the arrow hits a vanished player?