Make all toggles persist between logins with a command to reset all
SullyTheUnusual opened this issue ยท 15 comments
Due to the growing number of toggles (great features, btw!), it would be great if they would stay toggled after logging out. And also have an option to reset them all to default.
Closing 4.0 issues, I'd rather not have scattered planning for the future which may or may not come to pass
Toggle persistence has been a planned feature for a while now, I guess it never had an issue ticket so... yay! Thanks.
YES. I set my house on fire (no fire spread, but using /ex didn't put it out either) and I don't want lightning on >_<
@vettexl That's entirely clientside fire.
Alright, good to know. Just came to report the toggle issue but you already have :)
Proof it's client-side. Here is me on a server, with damage enabled, only vanishnopacket (with a modified permissions list so I get all perms just as op), standing in the 'fire' created by the vanishing, with a tree surrounded by the 'fire.' Note that I'm not losing health, nor is the tree on fire.
Persistence is coming in 4.0
I was referring to the fire on the ground, I don't see any flames in first person mode.
@mbax When another admin/OP unvanishes with lightning enabled, the resulting lightning causes fire to appear. Or were you completely referring to the first person view fire?
@vettexl The fire that appears and stays on your screen is client side only and does not exist on the server. The lightning is 100% fake and only occurs to the clients but not the server. That's why my picture can show the fire everywhere but not spreading or hurting me. It's a minecraft client glitch.
@mbax Sorry, didn't quite get what you were talking about before :P
Toggle persistence still planned?