Admin/Owner "see" node for silentjoin/quit
ShadowGraves opened this issue ยท 13 comments
Actually, I have * and he has silent join but not join vanished. I specifically added statusupdates to my perms, but still saw no "joined silently" or w/e the msg might be.
Please delete after reading, but I am new to github and do not know how to utilize this modified version. If I dl the java files in the link, how do I get them to be in the .class format used by bukkit? Thanks and sorry for the easy question. I know you must be busy.
If I didn't like helping people, I wouldn't. :D
I have a system that automatically puts together the plugin every time I change the code. One thing you should note though: You'll be running a SNAPSHOT version of the plugin (that's any version between versions I upload and post), so it won't tell you when the next update is available. Otherwise it works fine.
The version with the edit above:
So is there a usual location for the latest .jar build? Or have you linked to this one just for little old me?
Almost got it. Further testing shows the version supplied still does not alert "*" of "quitting silently." No notification is given except to console.
The vanish.silentquit permission simply murders your quit message 100% for everyone. That's its job. This is why I strongly discourage using *.
He doesn't have *. :) I get the warning now about "always." I thought there was a bypass as with .see and .statusupdates. Now I know better. He'll only have .silentjoin now as opposed to both. Thank you sincerely for your time. You have a solid plugin, for what bukkit will allow you. :)