Vanish No Packet

Vanish No Packet


Oh I know how you hate PEX.

MonsterTKE opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Op group, which only contains a "*" node, as well as op=true, for myself. When I run /vanish toggle it tells me "you cant toggle anything" And besides not liking the tone that your plugin is talking to me, I am wondering what is going on?


I don't use any permission plugin, I'm op, and I can't toggle anything.

This Is Not Normal, it should work when being Op.

So, I always modify the plugin.yml file in the .jar :

default: op


@Gimlao with this plugin, op is given a narrow range of control. vanish.vanish vanish.see vanish.statusupdates, the essentials. If you want more fine tuned control you are welcome to adjust permissions.yml at the bukkit root to create op only perms that grant this, should you choose to avoid using a permissions management plugin.


I already tried to adjust permissions.yml for this plugin, but there's an error :

13:06:21 [GRAVE] Permission node 'vanish.toggle.all' in server config is invalid
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The permission vanish.toggle.all is already defined!
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.addPermission(
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadCustomPermissions(
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(

"The permission vanish.toggle.all is already defined", that's why I always modify the plugin.yml file in the .jar of this plugin.


Create a node with vanish.toggle.all as the child, try that.


iI have the same problem. Also, I don't get any feedback on fakejoin or fakequit. I'm op, using permissionsEx in a group with the * node.


You both need to update to PermissionsEx 1.17, which supposedly fixes this pex error. The problem is that in 1.16 and earlier, the injector required for * permissions is not injected on players with op status. In theory 1.17 will fix this, as I worked with t3hk0d to resolve the problem, but I have yet to test it out myself. If that doesn't resolve it, the only options are

  1. Don't be op
  2. Define your permission nodes individually for the opped user group
  3. Change to another permissions plugin.

Are those options valid for pex 1.17?

I figured it was a perms problem, but you know how I just love bugging you with other devs problems.


I meant those options are your choices if 1.17 doesn't fix the problem.


Thanks for the example. :)


It works like this :

default: op
vanish.toggle.all: true