PEX *.-permission-compatibility
o0Julia0o opened this issue · 7 comments
can you make vanixhNoPacket compatible with the *-permission of PEX?
julia :)
There is no such thing as "compatible" with the * node.
The * node grants every node, period. That's how it works.
yes, i know. But you could make nodes for every command of vanishNoPacket, so it will work with the *-node of PEX. Or an entry in a config-file.
My problem ist, that i can´t do anything(open doors, mine, place blocks) if i have vanishnopacket with PEX *.-node.
Julia :)
but if i remove the *.node in pex, THEN i have to set every single permission node of every single plugin...
Julia :)
thx - sure... but it would be much easier, if you plugin supports a "- - node." So we can easily remove one permission. all of my used plugins it´s possible.. so i have set for admin the .-node. And becaus of the incompatiblity with pex-node with your plugin i have to set all other nodes manually :(
have a nice week.. all subscribers, too :)
julia :)