Vanish No Packet

Vanish No Packet


Vanish.see/statusupdate per group

Opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I'm not sure if it's possible, but correct me if I am wrong.
I want to make a hierarchy with my groups as to who can see others status updates, etc.

For example, my 3 groups:

vanish.statusupdates.admin: false
vanish.statusupdates.op: false
vanish.see.admin: false
vanish.see.op: false

vanish.statusupdates.mod: true
vanish.statusupdates.op: false
vanish.see.mod: true
vanish.see.op: false

Op - can see everything

This way, my admins can see when my mods vanish, but can not see ops.
Get it?

Thanks for reading.


This is not currently possible, nor is it likely to be implemented for at least a month. The way I see it, VNP is an administrative tool. If you can't trust the various layers of your administration with seeing each other you have deeper issues on the server.