Keep toggled effect settings on relogin
garfonzo opened this issue ยท 9 comments
Every time I log out, and then in again, I have to reset all my effects to my liking. I don't want certain effects, so I ALWAYS toggle them off. But, when I log out then back in, I have to reset all my /v toggle settings.
At the bare minimum, can we have the option in the config to set the default for all effects? Like a list of effects with a "true" or "false" option? That would be great!
Otherwise, love the plugin! Great work
I agree, it's annoying to have to toggle "/vanish effects explode" and "/vanish effects lightning". I like silent vanishing on my server. Lightning scares some of my members.
If you don't want the effects enabled on join, don't grant the permission nodes that enable them on join!
Nope! Bukkit's permissions system allows plugin developers like myself to specify which permission nodes are granted to OPs. None of the effects nodes are granted to any user who does not explicitly grant it on themselves.
Now I log in visible. I still want to log in vanished but no effects on un-vanishing.
EDIT: I think I figured it out.
This does not work. I have removed the effects from the permissions group (as in, added the "-vanish.effect.lightning" etc. to the "Owner" group, of which I am a part), yet I still get the effects. I rebooted the server and still get the effects. Its not working as you suggest it should. Any other suggestions now that the ticket is closed?