Vanish No Packet

Vanish No Packet


Disable Vanish Effects On Login Permission Nodes

kcmartz opened this issue ยท 15 comments


I have looked at this page:

But I still hear the explosion and lightning. I want all effects completely disabled when an Owner logs in. I am using GroupManager.

The effects section in config is commented out.


Here is my Gist of the config:

Turned off the comments here is my config.


Effects are done by permission node not configuration. Don't grant the effects nodes.


Wait, you close it when I'm not done?!
Do I have to allow each node individually?


I'm closing the ticket because it is not a valid bug report.

If you've given yourself vanish.* and are wondering why you suddenly have all the vanish nodes... that's why.


Where do I submit support tickets then?


I gave myself (with Owner group):

  • - -vanish.*
  • - vanish.standard

Using GroupManager.

If I de-op myself as the head owner, and add myself to the Owner group and just run op commands from console would that be better?
EDIT: Nope, i deopped myself and am in the Owner group and still does the dumb explosion/lightning. You should have effects disabled by default as it scares the crap out of my members, and some other people just want it off. Some servers also don't have a lot of ram and that could eat up a little of their RAM.


The effects ARE disabled by default. Remove the * node from the owner group.


Then I have to add each node individually? That would be a pain.


I guess I'm not going to use this plugin. Nothing works properly.


You gave yourself the * node, which is explicitly saying "I want every node, even those that plugins have defined as false for ops"

If you want nearly all nodes in every plugin, give yourself OP. If you want a headache, give yourself the * node.


So op doesn't give all permissions? Afaik it does?

EDIT: Here's the Admin and Owner nodes:
(These were the only two with *)


OP gives NEARLY all permission nodes. Plugins such as VanishNoPacket can define some nodes as false even for OP. I do that with the effects nodes. You can be op and not have a single effect.

But because you're adding the * node, you're getting those nodes too.


I removed those nodes, and did a /manload to reload the Groupmanager permissions, and a /vanish reload but still get the effects.


Try restarting the server after removing all * nodes.


Didn't apply first restart, but did second time. NOW I'm happy. Thanks for sticking through it.