Vanish No Packet

Vanish No Packet


[FEATURE] BungeeCord Vanish

n4imLess opened this issue · 18 comments


Vanish in a BungeeCord network does not work when using GLOBAL_PING because the Users are displayed nonetheless. I can understand that of course. Also using "Hide Stream" (Bukkit Plugin) and "Global Join" the Vanish does not work any more.

So short: Is there any chance you write a fixed or modified Version for BungeeCord Servers?


I'm probably going to make something like this for my server, if I do I'll put a link here.


That would be really awesome :)


Any Update on here? :)


Update: I was busy :(


Haha absoloutely no problem. Thanks for the fast reply :) So is there maybe a small chance? Or well, is there chance for this in 2013 or are you too busy atm, what I totally understand? :)


Chance for 2013, yes. :)


Great! :)


Nice idea, players are often checking /glist to see if I am on.
Can't snoop around unknowingly anymore.


This would require a bungee plugin. I could look into it.


A problem I can see with a bungee only vanish (not even touching the server) is chunk-loading. Determining if a chunk-loading player is in a different world than the vanished one.
A player moving far enough away to have the server unload the chunks the vanished player is in. No point in being vanished then no one is watching.
Things to decide on are whether to have a plug on both sides, do caching bungee side, or do neither let the chunks unload and follow specific players vanished player side.


The bungee plugin would be purely in ADDITION to VNP, not a replacement


Hi just thought I would post here to say that I would be very interested in this. What we are looking for is: if you're vanished on one server, and you change servers you are automatically vanished, same if you are visible and you switch server you will join visible.

It would also be good to have some integration between the VNP Addition plugin and the Global Joins plugin for Bungee ( so that if a player joins the network vanished then Global Joins won't announce to everyone that they have joined, same with quit.


Is there any update ;) ?


Chance for 2013? :3 Actually it´s not so worse if you weren´t able to find the time. Just any news would be great :3 - Happy new year :)


Chance for 2014? ^^;


If you need it, you can just get
This plugin can be set up to hide vanished players!




Oh, silly me.
Thanks KoolKrafter, I'm already using that.

I stumbled upon this Github issue because I thought I found a Bungee-incompatibility issue caused by VanishNoPacket - I figured it out though.
I was invisible after all :)