Vanish No Packet

Vanish No Packet


Vanish effects nodes aren't working

Felina-Lain opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hey! Here is the problem:
I'm owner of my own server, and i installed vanish on it thinking that it is an awesome plugin.
But the effects and vanished joining had me annoyed very fast, so to suppress them I went and tried to set the nodes. And here things goes wrong because no matter which node I give or forbid to the owner group (I use groupmanager) I still have those goddamn effects!

Joining my permission file to this, and if anyone could simply give me a list of the permission I need to set as true and false that would be awesome!


The permission nodes are all documented. My recommendation is to not start with the * node.

The * node is OP plus all the nodes plugin authors tell Bukkit to not give to OP (like the effects nodes). It's a bad way to start a permissions config.