Fake joins and leaves do not match.
ryantheleach opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Is it possible to recreate the ACTUAL join and leave messages so that other plugins can hook them like normal?
things like random join messages and per user colorings give it away when you are using vanish.
Go into the vanishnopacket config files, you can edit the format is appears in the chat :)
Ben, that can not fix my problem,
my join and leave messages have colors and prefixes per player, editing the config is global, what would be handy is some sort of event to cause a join or leave message.
if this event isn't cancelled the default vanishnopacket config behaviour occurs, this will allow other plugins to listen for this event and trigger a fakejoin or leave themselves making it indistinguishable.
By default VNP does the same leave/join messages as are default to craftbukkit. They can be configured by the server admin to have colors and such. What are you having trouble with?
my leave and join messages are customized, and unpredictably so, that is a static text file cant replicate it every time.
there are plugins that modify the default one, and those modifications change each time either at random or per player.
The only sane way i can see of supporting this for everything and everyone is to somehow send the event that these plugins hook into.
for instance, I'm using mchat which colors the usernames in event messages just like the colors we have assigned for chat messages, this is per player or per group and does not appear with the players name.
and whenever VNP fakes a quit or a join it seems to only send a message with the contents in the config and the players name, which does not get picked up by mchat (as its not a real join message)
does this help?