Vanish No Packet

Vanish No Packet


Toggle feature for joining invisible

Opened this issue ยท 24 comments


So the plugin is working great and the option to either join invisible can be toggled with permissions but I find it annoying to change permissions each I wanna join invisible or not.

So maybe you can make a /vanish toggle join which turns on the feature to be invisible on every log on and also a /vanish toggle quit command to toggle the invisible quit feature. So if both are on a player will join and quit invisible. Turning them on makes you join/quit visible again.

Hope you at least think about this feature. It would make catching griefers so much easier then chaning permissions each time I want to join invisible, then reload pex hoping I put the right permission node and for rental server it is even more harder and this overall takes lot of time.

Also a ultimate feature would be to make a command that will allow other admins toggle the invisibility on join/quit for players. So /vanish toggle join KJanar will turn invisible join on for player KJanar.

This is good when a admin or head admin suspects a griefers but needs owners help he can turn owners invisible join on so he can join invisible and catch griefers without them even knowing that owner is online. Otherwise the owner as to join visible then turn on the invisible join, then quit and join invisible again (or use fakequit) but smart griefers would know that he might be using VanishNoPacket.

So I seriously hope you consider this awesome feature that will be useful for a lot of players and server owner, so please add this and thank you for your time to read this.

Thank you.


I agree. I tried negative permissions and they don't seem to work with this plugin. This is a much needed feature.


@zackb1079 negative permissions is irrelevant to this feature request, and negative permissions are entirely a feature of the permissions plugin you use. If they don't seem to work with this plugin it's only that you need to reconfigure your permissions manager. There are ZERO permissions bugs with this plugin. :


@kjanar Do not use my github issue tickets to advertise your youtube channel


I agree with this though. By deafult I have all permissions on our server... which means I will join invisible no matter what.
This should be a config option aswell as a permission?

great plugin though, but until I can turn of join invisible i cant use it :(


@samoatesgames If you choose to give yourself all permissions, you are choosing to deal with those consequences. Either don't give yourself *, or find a way to negate the permission nodes you don't want. As far as I know the two major plugins that offer the * node also offer a way to negate nodes.


Make sure to give yourself negative permissions for both vanish.silentjoin and vanish.joinvanished.


Just fakejoin or fakequit each time. It's just one command and you don't have to mess with permissions.


ACL bloat vs. configuration bloat. I'd prefer the ability to permanently disable unwanted features at a server level via configuration keeping permission nodes simply for assigning privileges to the enabled features. ACLs have a tendancy to bloat over time anyway so having to do things like this just adds to the problem.

I also think, as witnessed by these comments, that having vanish on join enabled by default when admins have a * permission node is a surprising behaviour and as such perhaps a bad usability choice.

Once again, your mod, you make the decisions, but I don't see a reason not to have it configurable and I think fobbing it off as you chose to use "*" then you find a way to negate nodes is ignoring other important usability issues.


"*" is not a valid node, it's a creation by some permissions plugins, and handled differently by each one. I do not support it, but if you choose to utilize it in your server setup you have to be prepared to deal with the consequences.


Judging from server stats I've collected, it would be a insignificant decrease in usage.


Ok, how about this scenario. I now have a server that does not use "*". I have only allowed access to features via explicitly adding permission nodes. I am one of a small trusted team that has shell access to operate the server. There is also an admin team that is able to manage permission nodes via the permissions plugin, but I don't want to be able to give them vanish on join nor do I want to allow them to give this privilege to other players. How do I achieve this without disabling functionality at the server level.

(FYI, I am in the process of cleaning up the permission nodes on our server and this is pretty much the state I would like to get to at some time. At the moment it does however still use "*" until I get time to prune and test on our test server)


If you don't trust your own admins, then you shouldn't give them access to anything. ._.


I don't mean to sound ungrateful but you seem to be purposely not taking lokulin's feedback and suggestions. After all, what's the point in having a plugin for the people, when you don't listen to the people, or at least hear them out and work out a solution.


I listen to people,but when they make silly suggestions such as creating two off switches when the current one is already off, I have to put my foot down and say "no."


Ok, I'm not going to get involved any deeper, I was just giving my input.


Ok, if you don't want to support "*" then that is fair enough. Setting aside explicit permissions for a second, could a case be made that where joinvanished is not required server wide is it really worth making extra calls to the permissions api when a simple check on a boolean configuration item would suffice?


No I didn't, cause its too long :D And how is your comment even related to my ticket?


How is that a response to my scenario? It is entirely reasonable to assign different trust levels to different levels of admins. I'd equate this to giving junior admins on a linux server privileges to create accounts but not to change authentication mechanisms by altering the configuration of ssh (e.g. removing ldap authentication or adding kerberos). Should I also give all admins shell access? Access to the paypal account for receiving donations? The bank account where payments for hosting come from?


@lokulin It is completely reasonable to do trust levels. My point was that if you don't trust them not to abuse permission assignment you shouldn't be giving them that level.


I usually don't like arguing by metaphor but here is another one to make things solid. In your room there is a switch to turn the light off no doubt. In the house or office you are in there is also a breaker board that will have switches or fuses to isolate circuits (and thus turn off power). Surely the switch on the breaker board is redundant via your argument as the light in the room can be turned off using the switch. What I think you are overlooking is there are two separate requirements here, calling for two separate switches much like in the real world scenario.


The answer is still no, I'm sorry.


Since you guys can't figure out how PEX works then I will help you :D

- -vanish.joinvanished
- -vanish.joinwithoutannounce
- -vanish.silentquit
- -vanish.adminalerts
- '*'

Those disable joining/quitting invisible and stuff.


That is fair enough. It is your plugin after all. Thanks for responding to my thought stream. Might just continue updating my form from your tree and remove the functionality altogether. No config required then and a minor performance increase. ;-) (Learning to love github). Thanks for the great plugin btw.


@kjanar did you even read my comments?