Can't add a player to a group in a specific world?
Lanuk1 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hello, as the title implies, I am having trouble adding a player to a world and group. In the javadocs it says you can use the parameters (player, group) or (world, player, group), but I can only use (player, group), which in bPermissions only sets a player to a group in world. Sorry if this is an obvious question/I am posting in the wrong place, I am not very experienced in this.
not sure what you mean, You answered your own question? using bPerms player, group sets a player to the group in the specific world. so that's what you're trying to do...
But thats the thing, I cant specify a world. If I try doing this: permission.playerAddGroup(player, group), it automatically puts the player in that group for the primary world only. If I try permission.playerAddGroup(world, player, group), as it says can be done in the API, it says: "The method playerAddGroup(String, String, String) in the type Permission is not applicable for the arguments (World, Player, String)". I am using the latest version of Vault to create my plugin as well, 1.2.11