Vault hooks PermissionsEX_Chat, PEX Chat is disabled
Chandler243 opened this issue ยท 9 comments
In addition, it fails to recognize mChat, as in, doesn't even show up on /vault-info. mChat loads on bukkit just fine, no errors, and I can run all of the commands. The main thing I can't understand is how it hooks PEXChat when it should be disabled. Running latest (Stable) Vault, mChat, and PEX.
Got rid of PEX, switched to bPermissions. mChat still fails to load, and now it claims that chat is being handled by bInfo. Actually, I shouldn't say that mChat fails to load, as it loads quite fine (I can still run all commands), it's the matter of Vault not recognizing it. It doesn't show up AT ALL with /vault-info.
Update: Pulled all the permissions plugins off my server (SuperPerms would be handling everything), and yet mChat STILL fails to load.
sounds like the version of mChat you're using wont work with Vault or they've changed their API. What version are you running?
@Chandler243 - you should probably look at the prominent notice on mChat's page - it specifically says there were changes to mChat. What you're experiencing is not a bug, it's exactly what the plugin should be doing now.
PEX includes 'Chat' info node support within it's plugin. it's not saying it's loading the PEXChat plugin. Chat support through PEX is most likely higher priority than mChat, it's not suggested to run multiple chat info plugins, just like you shouldn't run multiple permission plugins. I'd recommend getting a different Permission plugin as PEX is discontinued and no longer receiving updates.
"These plugins should continue to work as normal, as long as Vault is used." Ignoring that, I'll try using a version that is a bit behind, and the development builds.
Latest Dev Build (334): No dice, Vault still doesn't pick it up
Interestingly enough, he pushed out a new 1.6.2 build just last night, however, still doesn't want to work.
And last, but not least, and older build. For this test, I used a build from Jan 26, 2013. And it FINALLY loaded as mChatSuite. So that's fun. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if any of the newer versions ever work. Thanks for the help.
Update: I should also add that mChat b300 was what I was using originally, which was originally posted in May. Before the "API Switcharoo". From what I can tell, b300 should've worked.
@Chandler243 - Just checked the git info on mChat, and mChat does not have info node support, mChatSuite does. mChatSuite references/API were removed 6 months ago. So that's why the last build that would work is back in January. The initial plugin was called mChat (hence why Vault says it's supported) it was then changed to mChatSuite (which was an updated version which is also supported). Then it's now been changed back to mChat which Vault wont hook, as mChat pulls info from Vault not the other way around.
@Chandler243 - not a problem, just takes some digging up to see why things aren't working, hopefully you can get what you need out of a chat plugin.