


Method public String[] getPlayerGroups(Player player) returns empty array on permissionsbukkit when it should not.

wiigor opened this issue ยท 5 comments


versions: vault 1.23 bukkit 1.0.1-R1
using permissionsbukkit: 1.2

expected behavior:

when calling public String[] getPlayerGroups(Player player) from the main thread.
with an existing player named "wiigor" , that is in one group called "megabuilder"
this method returns {"megabuilder"}

observed behavior:

when calling public String[] getPlayerGroups(Player player) from the main thread.
with an existing player named "wiigor" , that is in one group called "megabuilder"
this method returns {} empty array.


getPlayerGroups(player) - will return only world-specific groups. you may be thinking of getPlayerGroups(null, player); which should return all groups on the player


There is only 1 world named "world" on the server I tested on. And the player is in it when calling getPlayerGroups(Player player)

These 3 getplayergroup methods exists:

1 public String[] getPlayerGroups(String world, String player);
2 public String[] getPlayerGroups(World world, String player);
3 public String[] getPlayerGroups(Player player);

If i use getPlayerGroups(null, player) I get an ambigious method call error since it can refer to both method 1 and 2.

if i make a World world = null and pass it like this getPlayerGroups(world, "wiigor");
i get

at net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission.getPlayerGroups(
at me.wiigor.wiipay.WiiPay.handleShowUserGroups(
at me.wiigor.wiipay.WiiPay.onCommand(
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(

I only want to imput the name of the player and get the list of groups the player is in.


@wiigor - if the permission plugin supports global groups then it should work like that. I'm fairly certain it does in PEX/P3, but unsure of the other ones as bPerms has been world-only until recently, so it may not handle it properly.


try getPlayerGroup((String) null, playerName) this casts null to a string to prevent the ambiguity issue. you can't pass a null world object, but I can fix the possibility of an NPE on that method to support it.


Thanks when using the method above it works for permissions bukkit. But will it work now for other permission systems?

Is passing null where you can pass a world name string in general the way to select from all words in vault?