Placeholder Idea: Formatted dp
dekrypted opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Currently, there is the formatted placeholder and specified decimal point placeholder. But the formatted placeholder truncates a lot and the decimal point one can get very long very fast. It would be nice if there was one which was formatted and decimal points. E.g. $15575 in %vault_eco_balance_formatted_2dp% would give 15.58k
This project is not responsible for implementing formatting, as defined per, nor is it responsible for defining the concrete placeholder.
The amount of fractional digits are defined by
So - further elaboration required, but from the looks of it this issue is out-of-scope for the Vault plugin (which is this repository) and the Vault API already provides the needed APIs anyways. It is likely that either your API provider does not correctly implement the API or that the API consumer makes use of the API in an incorrect manner.