WorldEdit for Bukkit

WorldEdit for Bukkit


Error trying to move cuboid selection

Nick2bad4u opened this issue ยท 2 comments


22.02 16:47:56 [Server] INFO WorldEdit version 7.3.0-SNAPSHOT
22.02 16:47:56 [Server] INFO
22.02 16:47:56 [Server] INFO ------------------ Platforms ------------------
22.02 16:47:56 [Server] INFO * Bukkit-Official(7.3.0-SNAPSHOT+5669-2c7ac3d)
22.02 16:47:56 [Server] INFO ---------------- Capabilities ----------------
22.02 16:47:56 [Server] INFO GAME_HOOKS: Bukkit-Official
22.02 16:47:56 [Server] INFO CONFIGURATION: Bukkit-Official
22.02 16:47:56 [Server] INFO USER_COMMANDS: Bukkit-Official
22.02 16:47:56 [Server] INFO PERMISSIONS: Bukkit-Official
22.02 16:47:56 [Server] INFO WORLDEDIT_CUI: Bukkit-Official
22.02 16:47:56 [Server] INFO WORLD_EDITING: Bukkit-Official

Describe the bug
Trying to move a building with a chest inside, 1 block north and get:
Please report this error: [See console]
java.lang.Illegal5tateException: Class must override com.sk89q.worldedit.uorld.block.BlockStateHolder.toBaseBlockCLazyReference)

To Reproduce
Only seems to be affecting selections with chests.

Expected behavior
Should move all blocks 1 block unit north.


did you manually type the error in here instead of copying it? please provide the actual server log file


You're using an outdated dev build, this was already fixed 4 days ago. Please ensure you are running the latest dev build before reporting issues in them.