WorldEdit for Bukkit

WorldEdit for Bukkit


Make slabs retain top/bottom orientation

Maxwellcat09 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The Problem

I'm a casual user of worldedit, i like building houses and such and often use slabs for the roof. Unfortunately a problem i've run in to is that using //replace on slabs (example: //replace dark_prismarine_slab red_nether_brick_slab) causes the slabs to be misaligned, all placed with the bottom orientation instead of retaining their orientation

A Solution

Im not a programmer, but i don't think it would be impossible to change the //replace code to retain orientation of blocks if the block being replaced can oriented in the same manner (logs would retain orientation of logs, but not slabs)


No response

Anything Else?

No response


type applying pattern exists already.