1.2.3 compatibility
slipcor opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Error occurred while disabling WormholeXTreme v1.016 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.World.getId()J
at de.luricos.bukkit.WormholeXTreme.Wormhole.model.StargateDBManager.stargateToSQL(StargateDBManager.java:368)
v1.016 is not 1.2.x compatible as the bukkit API changed a lot.
Will publish an update as soon as a RB is out.
oh I forgot to update. I actually filed this report because a world of mine was not loading. Turned out it was an administration problem and imo this error makes no real damage. We're having great fun with WX(W) (on 1.2.3), except the water effect disappearing on the portals, but nvm about that :)
This isn't very good logic as Bukkit's release cycle has changed and recommended builds are going to come out a -LOOOOT- slower than they used to. Beta builds are what bukkit recommends building against.
This is from EvilSeph.
If you are a plugin developer, we advise you to keep on top of Beta builds at the very least, if you are not already keeping on top of development builds. Though Betas and Recommended Builds are somewhat separated, it is highly unlikely that the API will change between them unless we deem it absolutely necessary. As such, you can safely develop against Beta Builds and still be preparing for Recommended Builds at the same time.