Add config option to make leashed horses invulnerable
mhtvsSFrpHdE opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Feature request
Description of the requested feature goes here.
When I fight against a skeleton, sometimes I walk behind my horse and discovered when the skeleton shoot me it hurts the horse(lead on a fence), I wonder if a protected horse that not belongs to me, can be killed by this method? It will not trigger core protect log or any other... I mean, if someone killed a horse by this way, we can't find out who did this.
So my thought if a protected horse is lead to a fence, that mean, no one are riding it, it should be turn into completed invulnerable to prevent from bad players trolling?
If that can be true, I could turn off any protect to a horse! Because somebody often ride a horse and swimming through the nether lava ocean. I'm not meant a protect is to allow a horse to able to do that kind of thing.
When I fight against a skeleton, sometimes I walk behind my horse and discovered when the skeleton shoot me it hurts the horse(lead on a fence), I wonder if a protected horse that not belongs to me, can be killed by this method? It will not trigger core protect log or any other... I mean, if someone killed a horse by this way, we can't find out who did this.
I don't know but you can try. I don't remember for sure all technicalities of this feature.
So my thought if a protected horse is lead to a fence, that mean, no one are riding it, it should be turn into completed invulnerable to prevent from bad players trolling?
If I understood correctly you want to have a config option allowing to completely protect leashed horses ?
If that can be true, I could turn off any protect to a horse! Because somebody often ride a horse and swimming through the nether lava ocean. I'm not meant a protect is to allow a horse to able to do that kind of thing.
Could you reformulate this ? I didn't understand it at all :/
If skeleton damage not on the protect list, horse will be damage and get killed.
But creeper will not, that because I turn on explosion protection in ZHorse config.
Yes, a option to protect leashed horse, I'm not native English speaker and all I can imagine is use "mob Slime dropped things to made a lead, then bind horse to a oak fence" that what we did in game.
Because a protect is work on all time, it can be utilized for ride horse go through a place that not able to do in vanilla game.
Some server is designed to be allow that, mine is just thinking about prevent steal horse and bad gamer troll.