/zh list broken if a llama is in it
Sikatsu opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Bug report
What are you trying to do ?
If you have a llama claimed, /zh list reports nothing, if you unclaim it, /zh list works again.
Environment specifications
- Operating system : Linux
- Java version : 11
- Server version : git-Paper-282 (MC: 1.15.2)
- ZHorse version : 1.8.1
- Database : SQLite
@Sikatsu Is it still a thing with Spigot/Paper 1.16.1 ? I tried to reproduce your issue but it works fine for me.
This still happens according to players, when there is a llama in it they can not use /zh list
Haven't tried it myself yet, maybe there is a special condition to it?
I also heard you can duplicate llamas (but not the content of chests) if you teleport them.
I just tried both on a fresh new server with both Spigot and Paper and I had no issue with any configuration of llama. I'm running out of leads to follow to expose this issue so it will require some testing on your end to figure out when (the why is my job) this is happening.
The player that reported it, just tested /zh list for me. Nothing shows up in the list, that might be because of that llama.
The error that is triggered when she performs /zh list:
For the record, the issue comes from the fact that Trader Llamas are not properly supported. Any command trying to use the name of the llama variant will crash mid-course.
A temporary fix is to free trader llamas until this is fixed.
Such Llamas can be found by their owner name and claim id through the SQL query select p.name, h.id from horse h, player p where h.owner = p.uuid and h.uuid in (select s.uuid from horse_stats s where s.type = "TRADER_LLAMA");
Also having this issue: https://paste.gg/p/Momshroom/1071fcb8333c41c3ac3298cf915ac91a
Also having this issue: https://paste.gg/p/Momshroom/1071fcb8333c41c3ac3298cf915ac91a
A snapshot that fixes this issue is available to download on the Spigot page of ZHorse