NebreC opened this issue · 2 comments
1st - You set the spawners in the air.
- No, spawners are created on the ground under the glass.
2nd - Fall damage kills them.
- No, the most zombies die with fall damage but some zombies survive. They then dissapear, don´t die.. And they don´t attack me.
1st - Thank you for clarifying. This may actually be a bug. If it is, I may have fixed it by making copies of the locations before adding to the Y.
2nd - It may be taking a while to calculate whether or not they should be dying. This may be resulting in the immediate disappearing. As far as I can tell this is not an Ablockalypse problem. It would be a CraftBukkit issue.
The new version comes out soon, and I am in need of testers. If you would like I could add you to the internal skype chat, that way you could get pre-releases and testing updates etc. The testers really help me out to make sure that I release the best plugin possible. The 1.2.9 prerelease is expected sometime next week.
Thanks for the bug reports!