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After noticing the new layout for Ablockalypse, which by the way looks nicer and much more organized, I saw the max ammo power-up under the power-up category. This reminded me that I use Crackshot and so each weapon uses custom ammunition such as snowballs, dyes, and other useless items that I configured to be ammunttion. I could be wrong, but I believe that the max ammo power-up would only replenish grenades and arrows (and possibly durability to swords). I have never actually received this power-up so I do not know for sure. Anyways, my suggestion is that perhaps the config could have a section for max ammo that allows you to choose what items are replenished. For example, the config would ask you to list items from the items.yml that you would like given on max ammo. Also, something like "Fix Durability: (true/false)" if the items.yml contains items that are swords and axes (have durability).
Another suggestion of mine is too add the power-up from CoD: Zombies know as death machine. This could be a power-up that when gotten, gives the player a custom weapon defined in the config for one and a half minutes or so with a configurable time. This weapon could be either a weapon in the items.yml or perhaps a rapid fire bow with a power enchantment on it.
Those are my suggestions.
Could you possibly add a power-up drop that can either be enabled or disabled in the config? This would be the death machine type power-up that gives an item chosen and defined in the config. If someone else were to do it, like you said, they would need to make it compatible with Ablockalypse and it would be quite small and pointless to make for that one feature. In case I worded it so that it sounded too complex, all I'm saying is that it would be a power-up, just like the other ones, that if gotten, it gave the player a specific item defined in the config. I know the actual code is not the config, but if you added something like this:
useDeathMachinePowerUp: (true/false) //whether or not this power-up will be used in game
itemGiven: (item from items.yml) /item already made in the items.yml or ID of default Minecraft item (i.e.276 which is a diamond sword/
itemDuration: 0 /can be in either seconds or Minecraft ticks; if set to zero, item lasts in inventory forever unless downed/
giveToAlPlayers: (true/false) //whether or not this item is given to all players
If you meant that the rapid fire bow was the add-on, and not the power-up, then I already know that I could use a separate plugin for that bow, but I would still need Ablockalypse to be able to have this power-up so that I can assign this bow to be given to a player when the power-up is collected. I already am able to add this custom bow to the items.yml but I would need for Ablockalypse to let me set this bow, or any item for that matter, as a power-up.
I may get to the max ammo suggestion, but I doubt the death machine one, you should try getting someone to create an add-on for that, I am sure it would be great!
Okay, I understand. I never expected for this to become top priority; it was just a little thing to add that I thought would be nice. I'll do it myself next Summer if no one comes around to it; by then I'll have learned most things in JAVA.
I would really recommend starting now if you can. I learned Java by jumping straight into my first Bukkit plugin, Flow. No matter how long you study or read up on Java, you will never be able to learn as fast or as much as if you just try working with it. I hope this advice comes in handy!
It wouldn't be small or pointless, as powerups are done via an enumerated type in Ablockalypse, therefore it is not very accessible to devs. I said I was not sure about death machine simply because there are sooo many things I have to do right now in Ablockalypse, Flow, MapEdit, etc. I will let you know though if I am able to get this, it's probably just easier if someone else creates the add-on for now.
I appreciate the tips, but I know I can't do anything too much at the moment. I've looked at the source code of many projects, including this one and I'm not at that level.
Don't get me wrong, I have tried and still am, but I'm not quite there yet.
ive been following your post here , i getting ready to implement your plugin , on my server ,, i myself have started looking into coding , is ther any ref. or sites or any vids u can suggest to us noobs. thanx btw for such a great plugin
I would suggest simply jumping in. You can ask as many questions as you want in order to figure something out. What I started doing was copying other peoples' code (legal, as long as you don't profit from it), and slightly modifying it. Also, if you need help there are a few resources:
1. Bukkit Plugin Development forum
2. BukkitDev IRC chat
3. Many devs, including myself, are on Skype
Thanks, I definitely appreciate the advice but I have to say that I literally just started learning in September this year and so by the time I finish the class I'm taking, I will have learned much more. Basically, all I'm saying is that I do not think I know nearly as much information as I need to start writing the code. I might start by Spring time since my class is learning essentially a whole new topic every 2-3 weeks, in addition to my own free time where I look up JAVA techniques. I just do not know how to start at the moment. Thanks again.
It's all about jumping in. I didn't take any classes in programming whatsoever before starting work on my first plugin. I didn't even know what Java was before starting. Jumping in not only will make your grades in your class better, but it will prepare you for a future in CompSci or anything related (if you want to do that in the future), and allow you to write Bukkit plugins in the meantime ๐ .