Datapack Utils

Datapack Utils


Chunks aren't scanned when y=0 is void instead of bedrock

axollyon opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Presumably due to CaveBiomes and DatapackUtils checking for bedrock at y=0, the biomes and structures aren't loaded if that bedrock isn't present, such as with this generator. Tested on Snapshot 20w06a, in which it does work if the generator type is set to Surface.

Relevant Discord messages for bug discovery:


I seem to be having this issue as well. The area effect clouds are being summoned in 1.16.1 where they are created under the player, however they don't seem to expire. As a result, being AFK for long periods of time, or even sometimes during short gameplay, causes the game to crash because of the number of area effect clouds being generated. This issue is relevant to my situation because we were focusing on building farms in the End, and as a result, I did not feel inclined enough to file another issue.

Perhaps there was a command change in 1.16.1 that prevented the area effect clouds from being killed.


Support added in 1.2.0