Datapack Utils

Datapack Utils


End dimension small vertical hitboxes spawned and persist

patcat127 opened this issue · 6 comments


Approximately once a second, below the player (at least when near y=0), a small, about half a block tall, otherwise one-dimensional hitbox spawns. I have not been able to determine what kind of entity it is, due to /data get not cooperating, but I know that they persist continuously. This is a severe issue as our server ended up with twenty eight thousand of them near our enderman farm, and it caused severe problems with lag. The attached screenshot is of the entities, all facing south. This is a very severe issue for our server and has required us to disable datapack utilities, which is something I very much want to fix as soon as possible

2020-03-12_20 43 06


Hmm, thought I fixed those...
You can remove them with "/kill @e[tag=chunk_scan.chunk]"
You can also disable their creation (and chunk generation in general) by running this command constantly: "/tag @A add chunk_scab.disabled"


iirc using "/tag @A[tag=!chunk_scan.disabled] add chunk_scan.disabled" won't spam the console- if it does you can add the line to a datapack's tick function.


I fixed our lag issue by disabling processing of the end. At least that's what I think I did, because I'm not familiar with editing datapacks. Maybe @ImCoolYeah105 can tell me if I'm a retard or not.


execute unless predicate chunk_scan:in_the_end if block ~ 0 ~ bedrock run function chunk_scan:chunk/init

#execute if predicate chunk_scan:in_the_end unless block ~ 255 ~ moving_piston run function chunk_scan:chunk/init

execute unless predicate chunk_scan:in_the_end positioned ~-8 0 ~-8 as @e[distance=0..,type=area_effect_cloud,tag=chunk_scan.chunk,sort=nearest,limit=1] at @s run function chunk_scan:chunk/generate
#execute if predicate chunk_scan:in_the_end positioned ~-8 0 ~-8 as @e[distance=0..,type=area_effect_cloud,tag=chunk_scan.chunk,sort=nearest,limit=1] at @s run function chunk_scan:chunk_end/generate

Fixed in 2.1.4