Datapack Utils

Datapack Utils


Datapack Utilities 2.2.1c creates a grid of barrier blocks at y=255 in the end

Wolfcl0ck opened this issue ยท 3 comments


In essence, if Datapack Utilities is installed and running, it will constantly generate a grid of barrier blocks at y=255 in the end, starting at 0,0, and going out 32 blocks in each direction. Aside from its invasive nature of generating unbreakable blocks, it will break the ender dragon when she is trying to perch by making her climb up to and past the build height due to the existence of the block there. Furthermore, the blocks will constantly respawn on their own even if they are being destroyed, which, with my testing, could possibly be a result of generating or activating chunks, however I was unable to confirm this.

  1. What datapack(s) do you have installed (including ones made by me- include version if possible)?
    Bug occurs when Datapack Utilities 2.2.1c is running on its own without any other datapacks.

  2. Run /reload. Copy/paste or post a screenshot of what appears in chat (should say [Loaded ]).
    [Loaded Datapack Utils v2.2.1c]

  3. What environment are you running the datapack? (Vanilla single player, Vanilla multiplayer, Forge, fabric, spigot, bukkit, paper, optifine, realms, etc). Please specify exact Minecraft version as well.
    The bug occurs in 1.16.3 on Optifine Singleplayer as well as Vanilla Multiplayer.

  4. What if happening vs. what you expect to happen?
    Datapack Utilities will generate and constantly regenerate barrier blocks at the build limit inside the end at y=255, starting at 0,0, and working out every 32 blocks in each direction, seemingly indefinitely. As a result, the Ender Dragon will attempt to climb to this height whenever she is trying to perch on the end exit gateway, therefor making the fight impossible.


This is part of DU's world generation features. The barriers mark which chunks have received generation. However, I did not know about the issue with the dragon and that will definitely need to be resolved. Unfortunately, right now the only soloution I can think of is placing the barriers at y=0 instead, which has its own issues...


I appreciate the knowledge that this bug is being looked into. I suppose, then, that it probably would not be possible to have the barrier block specifically at the 0,0 chunk be generated at y=0 and then have the surrounding ones be at y=255, then.


Disabled generation in the end in 2.2.1d