Feature Request: Allow editing internal name
500-internal-server-error opened this issue ยท 0 comments
This program currently doesn't allow editing the internal name of the music discs. If I add custom music titled "A Very Long and Hard to Write Title
", the program generates an internal name of "averylongandhardtowritetitle
". This is annoying to type out when trying to give myself a disc, setup a custom villager trade, etc. Chances are, with such a long title, the music has an "informal" title, for example, "vlong
", which is much easier to type when I need to. Currently my approach is to take the dp/rp it generates and do a messy find
to replace all instances of the long title and replace it with the short title, and hope I haven't missed an instance of the long title somewhere. It would be nice to be able to avoid this hacking around and give it a nice name from the start.
Please consider supporting this, thank you.