Infinite Music Discs

Infinite Music Discs


"This app can't run on your PC"

nnoffunn opened this issue ยท 1 comments


"This app can't run on your PC
To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher."

I've tried every setting in the app, different amounts of discs, different file types, I get the error as soon as I press "generate"


this log generated in the folder I extracted the app to. Not sure if it helps narrow down the issue.

Windows 10 Pro/high spec'd computer.


My workaround/fix was to have NONE of the boxes checkmarked.

I just converted all my mp3's to mono-ogg via foobar2000, and then added them to IMD.

Generated my pack, worked, tested it, worked in game.

Incredible tool, glad this is being updated for current versions of the craft.

edit: I have the "11 plays alongside custom disc" issue, tried making a resource pack that makes the 11 disc silent, works for the 11 disc itself but not the overlapping issue on the mod. Will update if I figure out a workaround.